Sweet sweet music, relaxing and spending time with interesting and fun people, party'ing,... to put it briefly: Enjoying life in all possible ways, there is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness!
A rare specimen of mankind, i.e. fun and fascinating peepz who live out of the box, crazy party animals, Satan (just to ask him whether hell actually is as horrible as it's told), my ancestres...View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Everything that makes me shiver...
Storytelling music that makes you wanna keep on going 'n' going...
Some favorites: Michael Mayer, James Holden, Ricardo Villalobos, Booka Shade,...
Soooo many!! Some highlights:
"The Business"
"Gegen die Wand"
"It's all gone Pete Thong"
"The Core"
"American History X"
"Minority Report"
"Requiem for a dream"
A little bit cliche maybe, but... "The Simpsons" Good cabaretiers such as Theo Maassen, Hans Teeuwen, Alex Agnew Lousy reality shows if I'm in the mood for brainless TV Sitcoms
Too little time to read many, but liked "Sybil" and all Stephen King novels
No one in particular, but I admire people who have the guts to jump in the deep end