About Me

PURPLE SUBMARINE ORCHESTRA was the most colourful dressed in black duet of Paris between 2002 and 2006!It began in 2002 when Mathieu Bournazel and Nicolas Baudard started to write songs together again after the split of FANTASTIC! and were asked by French label LES DISQUES AQUATIC to take part in 'Soirée de Noël', a Christmas compilation for which they wrote 'Snowflakes fall and dance the Christmas waltz'.'Moonstones', the PURPLE SUBMARINE ORCHESTRA's debut album, was released by LES DISQUES AQUATIC in 2003.'Acapulco e.p.' is now out and released by French label MARTYRS OF POP.Nicolas Baudard now has a new project called JACUZI: check his MySpace page via our Top Friends list.Mathieu Bournazel and Summer Mc Cartney, Scottish drummer extraordinaire, are working on 'I Am The Rain' e.p. : Listen to some extracts on our player!Last summer, Mathieu Bournazel recorded some vocal arrangements on 'From Rouen To Hollywood', the great JEAN-EMMANUEL DELUXE debut album, featuring SEAN O'HAGAN, BERTRAND BURGALAT, KEVIN CORAL, APRIL MARCH and ALEXANDER FAEM, which should be out in the course of 2009. More information here: www.martyrsofpop.com
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Member Since: 31/05/2006
Band Website: virb.com/psorchestra
Band Members: Mathieu Bournazel & Nicolas Baudard
Influences: Louis Philippe, The High Llamas, Bertrand Burgalat, The Beach Boys, The Left Banke, Love, Dexy's Midnight Runners, The Millenium, Billy Nichols, The Specials, The Beatles, Eternity's Children, Harmony Grass, The Monochrome Set, Richard Swift, Brent Cash, Todd Rundgren, Dennis Wilson, The Kinks, Chet Baker, Emitt Rhodes, The Associates, Testbild!, Comateens, The Who, François de Roubaix, The Zombies, Young Marble Giants, Eyeless In Gaza, Ramon Leal, Scott Walker, Orange Juice, Blueboy, The Jazz Butcher, Paul Williams, The Go-Betweens, Harry Nilsson, Edu Lobo, Free Design, Television Personalities, John Coltrane, Roger Nichols, Cardinal, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Sergio Mendes, Claudine Longet, XTC, Carole King, Robert Wyatt, The Fifth Dimension, Miles Davis, Peter Astor, Ennio Morricone, Randy Newman, Fugu, The Velvet Underground, Nick Drake, Microdisney, Tahiti 80, Dogs, Phil Spector, Joe Meek and Serge Gainsbourg !
Sounds Like: The moon reflecting on the ocean.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


'Ballad Of A Stareyed Lounger', from our debut album 'Moonstones',  has been included in the 19th volume of the SERIES TWO RECORDS compilation.Merci, SERIES TWO RECORDS!
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 02:06:00 GMT

Acapulco e.p. reviewed in Standard Magazine

La nouvelle sortie du label Martyrs of Pop prend lavion pour le Mexique. On bronze.Vous étalez votre serviette sur le sol gris, tartinez votre combinaison spatiale d'écran total avant de chausser vot...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 09:49:00 GMT

'Acapulco' e.p. digital version

-          iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum? id=301110422&s=143442-          fnacmusic : http://www.fnacmusic.com/album/9777fed8-b005-41ba-8990-34bf4 455060c.aspx-   ...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 09:24:00 GMT

'Acapulco' e.p. reviewed in GONZAÏ

French only: http://www.gonzai.com/purple-submarine-orchestra-%c2%abacapu lco-ep%c2%bb/
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 05:01:00 GMT

Shopping time!

It is nearly Christmas: get dressed and dance! www.martyrsofpop.com/eshop    
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 15:09:00 GMT

’Acapulco’ e.p. first review

Here is the very first review of our Acapulco e.p. http://popncherries.skynetblogs.be/post/6428019/purple-subma rine-orchestra Please note that Le Ciel Blanc De Pigalle is NOT included on the record bu...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 09:32:00 GMT

A text by Jean-Pierre Turmel

On the group's Myspace page, as a sweet and pretty piece of music, totally deprived of any harshness and so oddly out of time is being downloaded, my eyes wander over the long list of influences to ev...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 13:40:00 GMT

Je suis le Cha Cha Cha!

'Cha Cha Cha', from our forthcoming single, 'Acapulco' e.p., has been included in 'Pop Nation Vol.3', a various artists compilation released by Spanish label BON VIVANT RECORDS. www.myspace.com/bonviv...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:34:00 GMT

Mathieu’s 2007 Top 10!

Amongst the 2007 releases, i particularly liked the following ones: LOUIS PHILIPPE An Unknown Spring HIGH LLAMAS Can Cladders SOY UN CABALLO Les Heures De Raison ROBERT WYATT Comicopera AXE RIVERBOY T...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 07:49:00 GMT

Obsessives of the world, unite!

That spring has been a great season and not only because Real Madrid has won the Spanish Championship. First, LOUIS PHILIPPE has released 2 gems on his own label Wonder Records- a quite appropriate n...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 04:57:00 GMT