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The MILF Pimp Khan

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing

About Me

Me name is Matthew Buie and i am currently incarcerated in the work release in Dothan, Al. I've been there for about 21 months now. Great fun, huh? I've got a lovin' job though. And a cozy little legal income to top it off. Ain't that nice? And it ain't all that bad. And maybe I'll learn my lesson this time. Or maybe I'll just get the fuck out of shmuck-ville, Al.
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My Interests

i love history, literature, music and beer. I love to kid around and have fun. Life's a little short to be so danged serious about it all. I really, REALLY enjoy pushing peoples buttons and pissing off the " Better than you's" and "holier than thou's", and what not. I don't know why, but I always get the warmest, fuzzy feeling when sombody is all pissed because of me. And of course SOME people just can't seem to take a joke. Oh well. Their loss. I'm just havin' FUN!!! No harm intended, really. I guess I just still gotta looong way to go with the whole "growing up" thing. I'm also delightfully irresponsible, disorganized, and damned stubborn (or "mule-headed" as my grandmother says). I seem to have a serious problem of purposely doing the asshole opposite of whatever is expected of me.

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I HATE Radio Bands, Mtv, country, and most of all: the proverbial cover bands!!!!!!!!!!. Why would anyone want to listen to a band play the same worn out songs that were written by another overrated band? But besides that I love it all, and the weirder the better, from JAM BANDS(The Grateful Dead, The Allman Bros., Widespread Panic, The String cheese incident, Phish, etc.) BLUEGRASS(Old & in the Way, The Yonder Mountain String Band, Bela Fleck, Leftover Salmon, Rollin' in the Hay, Etc.) PUNK(The Unseen, The Dropkick Murphy's, NOFX, Against All Authority, Etc.) some stuff i don't know how to catagorize (Taj Mahal, Mr. Bungle, G-Love& Special Sauce, Son Volt, etc.) Funk and older stuff when music was music, and my absolute favorite are the live shows. Most of these glitter & shine radio/video band puppets seem to have a serious handicap in that area.


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I love to read. Jeffery Deaver, Dan Brown('Angels & Demons' was waaay better than 'The Da Vinci Code'),Michael Crichton, some Robert Ludlum, John Grisham, and Mario Puzo, W.E.B. Griffin, Iris Johansen, Robin Cook, are about the only authors I know by name, that I've read. Of course there's Stephen King and Dean Koontz, but I tire of their books. But I absolutely love to read. I go through a couple of books a week.


My two heroes would be Jesus and the almost impossible to kill irish mobster Danny Greene