Please read my appraisal of Michael Crichton.
Fierce Anticipation: Nov. 14-16
Please read my new column! This week I discuss the best new movie review book to come along in ages, the brooding Bond, and the horror of watching HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3.
Fierce Anticipation: Nov. 21 - Nov. 23
Please read my new column where I discuss a new book that unlocks the secrets of the Natural History Museum in London, the Right's answer to Frank Rich and what could be the next great lesbian romantic comedy.
Fierce Anticipation: Dec. 5 - Dec.7
This week I discuss the best version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL...ever, J.K. Rowling's new book, and Hollywood's continued need to make bad PUNISHER movies.
Fierce Anticipation: Dec. 12-14
Today I discuss the influence of a Christmas Carol, Shrek: The Musical and why I hate cats.
Fierce Anticipation [Very Special Edition]: December 19-21
For this holiday season, please give yourself the gift of reading my new column!
Fierce Anticipation: January 9th - 11th
Fierce Anticipation: January 16-18
Today I discuss the one and only reason to be a Baltimore Ravens fan, the surprise late-career comeback of Woody Allen and the gory glories of My Bloody Valentine 3D.
Fierce Anticipation: January 23th - 25th
Today I exult in the straight-to-DVD release of Poison Ivy 4: The Secret Society and explain why the American public knew the movie Henry Poole Is Here was junk even before they saw the trailer.
Fierce Anticipation: February 6-8
Today I explore why football is a perfect metaphor for dating, the reasons the French hate The Pink Panther and the stunning fact that there has been more Air Bud movies than Octo-Mom has kids.
Fierce Anticipation: February 20-22
Today I get very excited for an upcoming non-fiction book, ask you to ride The Midnight Meat Train with me and compare Ridley Scott to the Dallas Cowboys.
Fierce Anticipation: February 27 - March 1
Today I discuss LA Opera's profoundly expensive and profoundly bad new production of Wagner's Ring Cycle, the recent release of what could be the next great thriller novel and the sure-to-be cinematic masterpiece that is Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.
Fierce Anticipation: March 6-8
The Shamrock Shake. Ronald Reagan. My Two Dads. Yes, folks, this is my column.
Fierce Anticipation: March 13-15
In the column I chronicle the tale of a fugitive weatherman from Pennsylvania and discuss both the letters of Samuel Beckett and the ignominy of the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Fierce Anticipation: March 27-29
Fierce Anticipation: April 3-5
I dedicate this week's column to the upcoming opening of what could be the greatest Broadway musical of all time: ROCK OF AGES.In addition, I tell the sad, violent, funny, and often tragic tale of Mitchell Jarvis, one of the show's leads.
Fierce Anticipation: April 10-12
A time-traveling adventure with Gore Vidal and an investigation into both the strange life-changing abilities of YES MAN and the soporific power of BEDTIME STORIES
Fierce Anticipation: May 8-10
Fierce Anticipation: May 15-17
The economic crisis has hit Fierce Anticipation and I devote this week's edition to the wonderful new sponsors who have helped me continue with my blogumn. It's the Special Advertising Edition of Fierce Anticipation!
Fierce Anticipation: May 21-25 (Robot Edition)
Notes on a robot revolution.
Fierce Anticipation: May 29 - 31
Fierce Anticipation: June 12-14
Unlocking the Eddie Murphy code!