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.. '' ada_ble; 20+ yRs 0n eARth; 15 aUgUst baby!'' '' playFuL;crAzY;sHytYpe??!!;siMpLe;sWeet;fRenDLy" '' LAzy;duMb;happy-g0-lucky;abiDing;aCcOmoD8ing;aPpRoacHbLe'' ..l0ves 2 hAnG oUt, riD bUkS (cOz I feEL LyK taLkiNg w/ d fiNeSt mEn iN d pAsT cEntUriEs) ..l0ves 2 LiStEn 2 mUsic (sOunD3p!!); tXt (tiL mY fiNgeRs sWeLL), ..l0ves 2 dRaW sTuFfs; arTwOrKs; dEfNitLy i LUV sHoPpiNg! Haha!!;p .. l0ves vbALL; bDmiNt0n; swiMmNg; hAusPrRty .. l0ves tRippiNgs; G0d; faMiLy; fwENsHipSs .. l0ves h0LidAes; FuN; j0keS; sent0sA .. l0ves t0 tAkE piCs; g0 craZZzy witH peEps! .. l0ves AGB; B0nkeRs&RetArdEd Ass0c.; cEntRo taMbys; sHoppErs(1Bsn5); aRbOr & co.; sing domz; mayas; r4w; illegal party // hates rEstricti0nS;aHLiaNs; rUm0urs;LiaRs& pEeps wh0 fLigHt // hates fLirtAti0us pEeps (haha!! tlga?! i h8 myself?!;p) // hates aTtitUdez, pr0b kidd0; unreAsnBLe pEeps.. ''iM a pErsOn n tAhiMiK DAW, mbAiT, MEJO mAkULit, mAaAsAhn s kHt anNg pRoBLmS (XcePt fiNaNciaL..POVERTY!!hehe..) whEnvR I hAv sPaRe tYm, I wtcH tv, sUrF d nEt, LoCk mYsELf iN mY rUm..aQ pnKAmTnO anG pGiiCp sA tRoPa q(uLoL!! OOpS! BAd wOrD!;p)haha, wLanG kOkOntRa!! I LyK LiViNg..I hAv sUmtYmS biN wiLdLy, dEsPairInGLy, aCuTeLy miSeRBLe, rAcKed w/ sOrRoW, bUt tHru it oL, I sTiL kNoW qUitE cErTaiNLy dAt jUz 2 b aLiVe iS a gRanD tHNg..I did a LoT oF tHNgS b4 w/c hAd cAuSed mY LyF 2 B miSeRBLy uNsTabLe..tRip q Lng eH..cOz fOr mE, wHat mAttrS riLi iS nOt d yiRs iN mY Lyf, bUt d Lyf iN mY yirS cOz diS R d gUd oLd dAyS wEr gOin 2 miSS iN d yirS aHeAd..niWei oUr hAppiNeSS dEpnDs oN oUrsLvEs..Bt 4 nOw, I haV 2 tHnGs 2 Aim aT iN mY LyF: 1sT iS 2 gEt wAt I wnT & aFtr daT, 2 eNjOy iT(oNLy d wiSesT s 2 aChiV d 2nd,hehe..;p) As 4 mY fRnDs, i wUd staNd bY My frnds Ass tiL d enD oF tyM, sAn k P?!i LuV 2 sLeeP wEn I haV noThin 2 dO.iM not vAin.i wEar anythN cm4tble..Un aQ!;p
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1. water
2. milk
3. iced tea
4. coffee
5. red horse
6. gmat
7. strawberry margarita
8. tequila sunrise
9. power frappe
10. cosmo
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kAuNg LhAT!!!!!!hehe ;p fRiEndLy aQ eH...hehe ;padd me up-- [email protected] (myspace, friendster, hi5, neatvibe, eskwela,tagged)

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gudbye 2 personal passport security...

I swear, ANYONE's passport info can be seen on this site! Check out this site!!! I was rather shocked to find a website that holds everyone's passport details along with photograph. Anyone can...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:47:00 GMT

Liham ng ama s knyang mnamhal n anak...

Minamahal kong anak, Medyo mabagal akong mag type ngayon dahil alam kong mabagal kang magbasa. Nandito na kami sa probinsya para tirahan ang bagong bili na bahay. Pero hindi ko maibigay sa i...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:38:00 GMT

jhovelle is really hungry... and died...

jHoVeLLe Swallowed a Fly jHoVeLLe swallowed a fly. I dunno why she swallowed that fly, Perhaps she'll die. jHoVeLLe swallowed a spider, That wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her. ...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:35:00 GMT

10 layers....

LAYER ONE: On the outside Name: Ada Glizelle S. Torres Birthday: Aug 15 Current location: IT Hair color: black LAYER TW0: 0N THE INSIDE Your fears: losin my love ones..death, ipis en rats...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:08:00 GMT