Writing pure and blatant fabrication on this profile and laughing at people who read it. .......wait a second, this must mean I am..... a bit of a lonely deprived lunatic.
VisionariesIt is a time when magic is more powerful than science and those that control the magic, control destiny. They are the Visionaries.Power staffs:ARZON: A whim, thought, and more is sought... awake, my mind.. thy will be wrought!WITTERQUICK: Sheathe these feet in the driving gale, make swift these legs, o'er land I sail!CRYOTEK: Three suns aligned, pour forth their light and fill the archer's bow with might!LEXOR: The arrows turn, the swords rebel, may nothing pierce this mortal shell!LEORIC: Whispered secrets of a shattered age, I summon you, renew this sage!CINDARR: By nature's hand, by crafts, by art, what once was one, now fly apart!!CRAVEX: O mist filled pits, dark dank, unclear touch all before me with frost fingered fear!DARKSTORM: Let me attempt to change your opinion of me. By what creeps, what crawls, by what does not, let that grows recede and rot!To become one with the circle of light is to form a brotherhood. A true lasting alliance. I propose that right now, we form the Spectral Knights, a sacred order dedicated to bringing light to the darkness of our world. Let all us stand.May the Light Shine Forever!compliments my skin coloring
At the mo I have an unrealistic hard-on Bowie and beloved Led
Superman, "statistically speaking, flying is the safest way to travel".
Man Hunt- I just want Michael to bone the Dr.
Mainly heroic fantasy, however recently I have diverse from the world of Goblins and Orges with green cocks, and read To Kill a Mockingbird, I know it sounds crap to all my sci fi peers, but it was actually really good, particularly enjoyed Scount beating up that no good Upper Class Scoundrel Francis, and have aspirations to become Mrs Dubose, sitting on my porch yelling abuse at random passer bys, quality! Would defo give it a read to anyone who asked!
I aspire to be Winnie the Pooh with my pot of honey.