Disc Golf /Burgess Park Cape Cod Ma profile picture

Disc Golf /Burgess Park Cape Cod Ma

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There are two Disc Golf Courses on Cape Cod Burgess Park Marstons Mills Ma,02648 & Cape Cod Community college West Barnstable MA 02668
I am not a Member of any DISC GOLF LEAGUE . I like playing with friends. With out any pressure.I made this profile so people can meet. The Fun Of Disc Golf is so that the everyday Joe can afford to play. Its not a I am better then you sport. It is a Sport. Its a FRIENDS SPORT. No Carts, No Club Fees, No Pesticides, No Clear Cutting. Just a Athlete and Nature. If you have a story about your game you would like to share with others. A Hole in one, A lost Disc, you never gave up on. You had to climb a tree, etc.please feel free to post it for all to read
sunny 50 degrees, winds 20 course dry.
When you're trying to tell friends about your passion for disc golf, they will grasp the concept more quickly if you use the term 'frisbee golf' instead. So why isn't the game called frisbee golf? "Frisbee" is a registered trademark much like "Kleenex" is in the tissue world, so we must call the game 'disc golf' and explain from there. Oddly enough, the company which produces Frisbee toys makes very few golf discs.
Golf discs (top to bottom): Putter, midrange and driver. Disc golf is a lot like traditional "ball" golf, except players use specially made plastic flying discs instead of balls and clubs, and throw them for 'par' at an above-ground target instead of a hole in the ground. There are different types of discs used for different purposes, much like ball golfers use different clubs.
The object of the game is to throw a golf disc into the target, typically a "Pole Hole®" basket (a steel basket over which chains hang), in the fewest number of throws. The player begins by 'driving' from a designated tee area and continues toward the target, throwing each consecutive shot from the spot where the previous throw has landed. Finally, a successful 'putt' sends the disc into the target. The most satisfying sound a disc golfer can hear is the 'ching!' of a disc crashing the chains before dropping into the basket.
The Drive The Disc Golf Drive
Most disc golf courses consist of 18 or 24 holes, and you'll find some nine-hole courses too. Holes lengths vary, but generally fall between 150 and 500 feet each. Trees, shrubbery, water and terrain changes offer plenty of hazards to avoid, and it becomes very possible to lose a disc in areas with thick growth, tall trees or (SPLASH!) deep water. Fortunately, at retail prices between $7 and $15, lost discs are more easily replaced than your typical nine-iron.
With the incredible rise in popularity of ball golf, it's no surprise that disc golf is also enjoying a The Approach The Disc Golf Approach: click for full size image similar -- if proportional -- rise in popularity. Disc golf offers many of the same pleasures: fresh air in a beautiful landscape, the camaraderie of friends, and the challenge and excitement of combining personal skill and speed to project an object toward a target. In addition, disc golfers can feel better about themselves and their environment, knowing that chemical pollutants aren't being used to keep their playing fields looking good, nor do acres of trees need to be clear-cut or wetlands filled in, as is sometimes the case for too many ball golf courses. And perhaps best of all, disc golf is inexpensive. The only equipment you need is a flying disc, and most disc golf courses are located in municipal parks, which admit players for free or charge a minimal fee for daily or yearly access.
The Putt The Disc Golf Putt
Don't expect to see many freestyle discs out on the course. These discs, commonly seen at the beach, will prove to be bulky and lack the distance you'll want for driving. On the other hand, the sharper edges of a golf disc can be very painful if used for a game of catch!
The game draws a friendly, easy-going crowd of 500,000 regular players who welcome and encourage new players. Traditionally dominated by 18 to 54-year-old males, the field of disc golf players has expanded greatly in recent years to include many women and families. Kids love it, it's a cheap date and a great excuse to get a little outdoor exercise. Bottom line: disc golf can be big fun for everyone regardless of age, gender or economic status.
Want to learn more about disc golf?

DiscGolfFanatic ®

My Interests

Burgess Park Marstons Mills, Massachusetts 02648

Directions: On Cape Cod, take Exit 5 off Route 6 to Rte. 149 south, about 3 miles on right, past ball golf course then perhaps 1 mile after rotary, turn into park past Burgess House

Course Established: 1990 Description: Short, mostly woodsy layout; beware of brambles and poison ivy.

Blue pro, white am and red 'kiddie' tees make course family friendly. Scorecards available. Scenic trails and playground. Long course plays 14,3,1.

Views of Indian Lakes. Sandy Beach, Clean Water

Number of holesHoles: 18 Mach3 TeesTee Type: Dirt Total distance of course Course Length: 2869

Alternate Course Length: 4197 Less than 300 ft 17 300-400 ft 1 More than 400 ft 0
Signs: Yes Signs

Restrooms: Yes Restrooms available? ADA Facilities
No Wheelchair accessible?
No Camping

No Open air Fires

FREE open to public No pay Public town of Barnstable Rec Dept. No private course
This is the 5th pin at Burgess, it is the only hole in one I have ever got.

WARNING: If you have not herd of the Disc Gnomes, heres the low down. they are little gnomes.They live in the woods and love to hide disc on people. So when you know where you saw it land , but its not there when you get to where you know you saw it land. Its a good chance the forest gnomes got it and moved it 10 feet from your view,or maybe they even tossed it in a tree.Silly little bastards.

LOOK REAL HARD . .Or ask your friend that is not as blind as you to help you find it. (or as stoned)

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Disc Golf

Get the disc into the cage in as few throws as possible.

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