I'm exceptionally loyal, you'll like me. If your not sure, just give me a sniff. Gus is my buddy, I really like him a lot. I'm an extremely devoted person, um, er dog. I appreciate affection. We look out for Lester and his mom. I love a good read and tasteful movies. I'm into well made art flicks, but I must confess I have a weekness for sappy dog stories. I have a laid-back Type-A personality. I thought I was in love once, it turned out to be puppy love. My mama warned me about Poodles, Pekingese and Keeshonds, she said stay away from those bitches, they'll break your heart. Of course when I say "bitch" I mean it literally, not in a pejorative sense. You have to be careful about language these days, people get their schnauzers out of wack. I actually try to be a gentleman, after all I have a proud pedigree to live up to. My great, great, great grandfather was in a famous painting with a few of his buddies playing poker. Some of my friends look up to me, and I give advice if they really need it. But try to be modest about it. I enjoy a good down-home front porch guitar pickin' jam. I also like wine-tasting and art exhibits. PS. Cats are cool in my book.Learn more about me at:
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Steve Irwin: The Croc Hunter, The Queen of England, Charles Darwin, Hemingway, Mark Twain, Manet, Gauguin, Kandinsky, Matisse, Hopper, O' Keeffe...