abigaile profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

im abigaile, 21 years old working towards a degree in engineering kinda weird for a girl like me huh! anyway my goal is to finish my studies and well i have'nt really thought about what i'll gonna do after I graduate. I was born in Hermosa, Bataan but im currently living in Baguio City which is where my school's at.TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF(The Survey)Name: some call me abigaile, others call me abbieBirthday: march 25thBirthplace: Balanga BataanCurrent Location: BAguio CityEye Color: dark brownHair Color: dark brownHeight: 5' 3Right Handed or Left Handed: righty yeah!The Shoes You Wore Today: i love my flipflopsYour Weakness: cutie guys who actually talk to me and make me laughYour Fears: insects yay!Your Perfect Pizza: meatlovers and hawaiianGoal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to better myself from the year beforeThoughts First Waking Up: i dont wanna go to school today, let me sleep please...Your Best Physical Feature: there are soo many to choose from lolz...Your Bedtime: dont have specifics but i normally sleep around 2-5 in the morningYour Most Missed Memory: elementary and high school daysPepsi or Coke: CokeMacDonalds or Burger King: trying to stay away from bothSingle or Group Dates: any date at all would be niceLipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NesteaChocolate or Vanilla: duh?!chocolatesCappuccino or Coffee: frappe?Do you Smoke: NopersDo you Swear: for sureDo you Sing: all the timeDo you Shower Daily: for the sake of the world i doHave you Been in Love: yeah and still isDo you want to go to College: doing the whole college thing as we speakDo you want to get Married: yeah in the far away futureDo you belive in yourself: thats not even a questionDo you get Motion Sickness: noDo you think you are Attractive: I dont really think about it, i figure thats for you to decideAre you a Health Freak: not reallyDo you get along with your Parents: yesDo you like Thunderstorms: i doDo you play an Instrument: i try to, but they dont like meIn the past month have you gone on a Date: I am not one to kiss and tellIn the past month have you gone to a Mall: yesIn the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: yeahIn the past month have you been on Stage: nopeIn the past month have you been Dumped: nopeIn the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nopeEver been called a Tease: kindaEver been Beaten up: noHow do you want to Die: very oldWhat do you want to be when you Grow Up: a mother and at my best looking selfWhat country would you most like to Visit: IrelandIn a Boy/Girl..Favourite Eye Color: as long as they have 2 eyes, i could'nt care lessFavourite Hair Color: eitherShort or Long Hair: short, super shortHeight: taller than meWeight: averageBest Clothing Style: whatever looks good yaNumber of CDs I own: dunnoNumber of Piercings: 0Number of Tattoos: 0Number of things in my Past I Regret: none, my past has made me who i am today
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My Interests

My interests are listening to music, reading books, goin from acoustic bars to rave discos and meeting new people...

I'd like to meet:



i listen to everything from metallica to gavin de graw to coldplay...rock, rap, and country...Pretty much I listen to a little bit of everything.


Click, troy, forest gump, harry potter, finding nemo just to name a few...


The O.C, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, well anything that caught my attention.


all kinda fiction, i love john grisham and nora roberts novels. I read anything that would interest me.


The men and women of the military, police departments, and fire departments...