my past t!me !s l!sten!ng t0 the rad!0 0f my fav0rite s0ngs, chatt!ng, surf!ng the net, sumtyms my fr!endz and ! g0 f0r a b!ll!ard.... and espec!ally paly!ng my gu!tar....
! wanna meet th0se fun people and a true pe0ple t0 bec0me my friend
Music Video Codes By!ThIs iS WhAt i lIkE!!!! rOcKinG Up mY HeAd wItH My FAvE MuSiC HoPe tO hAVe ThIs oNe!!!!! pInK eLeCtRiC GuItAr yEeEeAaAhhH!!!!! ..m/ peace yah!!!
the ring, grudge "juon".... all the suspense, thriller, and horror movies that has a sense and story....
!'m n0t !nterested !n b00ks