[ click a syringe above ]
"baby you ain't gotta be perfect;
you just gotta be for me."
our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure - our light, not our darkness . . . frightens us - playing small does not serve the world. there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. we are all meant to shine as children do; it is in everyone & as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same - liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
timo cruz ; coach carter
the name isz ; shiina tigue
tagged asz ; dioshi - [ wonder-woman ]
age ; uno rose & ocho thornsz
reputation ; fighter, artist & mother
mother of ; shaelyn faythe
the bitch isz ; mix'd <[u>puer-jap-amer]
statusz ; single but crushin'
i'm thinkin that ; niggasz ain't shit
waitin' to be ; proven wrong.
don't want ; the bullshit
don't need ; the drama
tattoosz currently;
eight <[b>8]
-'the eyesz'-lower back-
-behind left ear-'accept'-
-'remember'tribal butterfly-
-'stay true'tribute to my ♥-
four <[b>4]
-the earsz-
-my tongue-
-the nose-
go ahead - doubt me ...
& i'll prove you so wrong.
"when people are angry,
they bring about change."
about me:
"our deep'est fear is not that we are in'adequate; our deep'est fear is that we are power'ful beyond measure - our light, not our dark'nessz . . . frightensz usz - playin' small doesz not serve the world. there isz nothin' enlighten'd about shrinkin' so that other people won't feel in'secure around you. we are all mean't to shine asz child'ren do; it isz in every'one && asz we let our own lightsz shine, we un'conscious'ly give other people per'mission to do the same - liberate'd from our own fear, our presence automatic'ally liberatesz othersz."
timo cruz ; coach carter
"when people are angry, they bring about change."
malcolm x ; 1965
"you shouldn't sac'rafice who you are just 'cause some-one else hasz a problem with it."
"our livesz be'gin to end the day we be-come si'lent about the thingsz that matter."
martin luther king jr.
"in'telli-gence plus char'acter : that isz the goal of true edu'cation."
martin luther king jr.
"the great'est thing you'll ever learn isz just to love && be love'd in re-turn."
christian; moulin rouge
"if you're not livin' for some-thing, you'll die for no-thing."
im'possible isz not a fact : it isz an opinion.
im'possible isz not a de'claration - it isz a dare.
im'possible isz potential ; im'possible isz temporary.
im'possible isz no-thing.
laila ali