Jesus Christ, God, The Bible, Guitar, Music, Hanging Out, Jamming Out lol.
Jesus Christ, God, an angel.
A bunch of famous guitarists.
A bunch of awesome bands.
Arnold Schwarzenaegger.
All the StarWars and Lord of the Rings characters.
Bruce Lee.
I love music.
some of the bands I lend my ear to are:
NOrma Jean-
The Chariot-
B.B. King-
He Is Legend-
Twelve Gauge Valentine-
Drop Dead Gorgeous-
Murder By Association-
Stevie Ray Vaughn-
Hillsong United-
Mute Math-
As Cities Burn-
Phil Keagy-
A Love For Enemies-
John Mayer-
Explosions in the sky-
Eric Clapton-
August Burns Red-
The Allman Brothers band-
hillsong united - one way (live)
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Lord of The Rings trilogy, Star Wars series, 28 Days Later, Anchorman, old school Bruce Lee movies, A Beautiful Mind, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, Rush Hour, and whatever else is good.
anything with cool music videos/funny stuff.
The Bible, books by John Grisham tons of others that I can't remember at the moment
Jesus, my parents, Gabe Valdez, the guys from Murder by Association, Oscar, Pastor Adrian, and a bunch of others that have had an impact on me.