This is crazy, ready?I camp, hold on to your ass there's more, I drink, smoke too much dope and write music. I like long walks off of short peers and often find myself drunk, stoned and wandering alone.God bless the makers of booze and dope.
Anyone, unless you're not from around here, if you know what I mean....freaky alien bastards....always just creapy enough that you think you see things after Close Encounters is over.
Yes I have heard of this music before......
It beats TV any day. Shit, if I wanted to loose brain cells I drink and smoke more of the green than one man should in a day, not watch 'reality' TV. Someone needs to tell those Tv executives that a dead horse can only be beaten for so long.
I've heard tell of this so called 'television'.
Anything with pictures
My father, Superman, Wolverine and any hick with one tooth who still thinks they word didja exsists. (ie: didja get them'ere shotguns a'loadid yet Zeik?) And the number 7, that son-of-a-bitch had some balls on him. How many 9's can this monster take down? (that was a counting joke, but not at all funny)