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I'd like to meet any one that likes to have fun an wants to meet me.....fALLIN OBJECTS Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Click here to make Falling Objects Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy Graphics 2
Soca, Raggae, Rap, any kind of music i'll like.....
any thing that is funny........
jUMBIES GRAPHICS VIDEOBrooklyn Jumbies In Puerto Rico
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Birthday 07/07/1988
Birthplace TRINIDAD
ethnic backround MIXED
current location BROOKLYN
eye color BROWN
hair color BLACK
height 5'10"
if you had three wishes you would... I DONT KNOW
first thoughts waking up are Y DO I HAVE 2 GET UP
cappuccino or coffee? CAPPUCCINO
do you want to go to college? NO
do you get along with your parents? YES
in the past month have you eaten sushi? NO
boxers or briefs BOXERS
been in love? YES
curse? YES
chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE
leather or suede? SUEDE
juice or soda? JUICE
your favorite place to be is... IN THE STREETS
what do you want to be when you get older? CARPENTER
tipped a cow? NO
would you ever kill someone? YES
poland spring or dasani? POLAND SPRING
Right Handed or Left Handed RIGHT
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year GET INTO SKILLS 2000
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger DATS WATS UP
Your Best Physical Feature LEGS
Your Bedtime DONT HAVE 1
McDonalds or Burger King MC DONALDS
Do you Sing NO
Do you Shower Daily YES
Do you like Thunderstorms YES
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos YES
in the past month have you bought shoes?
In the past month have you stolen anything NO
favorite color BLACK
worst feeling you can get DON KNOW
favorite snack food DONT KNOW
top 5 favorite designers/companies
favorite magazines
favorite continent
prefered piece of paper
favorite time of the day NIGHT
black or white? BLACK
camel or horse HORSE
cat or dog DOG
thinking of... HAVING FUN
favorite song as of October 15th 2005
communist or democrat
highlight or circle HIGHLIGHT
wallet or stuff it into your pocket MONEY
beach or pool BEACH
bowtie or necktie
60's or 70's?
type or write
cologne or natural NATURAL
how would you like to die? IN MA SLEEP
Girls Graphics
WwW.MyspaceCo.deFlatbush Graphics