I love laughing
for no reason at all!!
If ya saw the pics you know I got a new car, so I am into gettin that hot! I love to watch football. I like to play poker, I like the beach. I'd like to go on vacation someday to New Zeland & Iceland. I enjoy a nice night with a few friends & a few drinks just hangin out shootin pool, nothin too disco...please. A sunny day at the park with the dog or in the pool with my girls never hurt anybody either. I like camping, snow, roller coasters, dark chocolate, white gold, flip flops, pajamas, thunderstorms, flowers, compliments, and laughing. I enjoy a good glass of wine. I'm not a snob about it, I just like to enjoy it now and then.
~You Are a Blueberry Margarita~
Honestly, there's no one quite like you. And believe it or not, most people think that's a bad thing!
You're open, wild, friendly, wacky, and tons of fun. You have a big personality... and a big heart.
Name: ~Heather
Birthdate: ~October 29, 1979
Birthplace: ~Portland Oregon
Current Location: ~Orlando Florida
Eye Color: ~Hazel
Hair Color: ~strawberry blonde
Height: ~5'5"
Weight: ~132
Piercings: ~6
Tatoos: ~3
Overused Phraze: ~how ya gonna talk when you're shuttin up?
Food: ~Salad
Candy: ~Sour patch kids
Number: ~7
Color: ~blue green
Animal: ~Orca
Drink: ~brisk baby
Alcohol Drink: ~white russian
Bagel: ~cinnamon
Letter: ~s - its curvy
Body Part on Opposite sex: ~guns
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: ~dont drink soda
McDonalds or BurgerKing: ~Subway
Strawberry or Watermelon: ~strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: ~iced
Chocolate or Vanilla ~swirled
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: ~hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: ~both
Dog or Cat: ~dog
Rap or Punk: ~funk
Summer or Winter: ~winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: ~funny
Love or Money: ~love
Bedtime: ~dont really have one
Most Missed Memory: ~my mom
Best physical feature: ~Ass
First Thought Waking Up: ~beavers & ducks
Goal for this year: ~get healthy and strong
Weakness: ~Raven
Fears: ~invaision from a foreign country (crazy I know)
Heritage: ~Italian, Irish
Ever Drank: ~yeah
Ever Smoked: ~yeah
Tried Pot: ~yeah
Ever been Drunk: ~yeah
Ever been beaten up: ~yeah
Ever beaten someone up: ~not proud of it but yeah
Ever Skinny Dipped: ~hee hee yeah
Favorite Eye Color: ~sexy, haha thats all that matters!
Favorite Hair Color: ~dont care
Short or Long: ~not long!
Height: ~taller than me
Style: ~relaxed
Looks or Personality: ~personality, but they cant be quazy moto
Hot or Cute: ~handsome
Drugs and Alcohol: ~drugs are bad m'kay
Muscular or Really Skinny: ~not a meat head, but not a rail
Number of Regrets in the Past: ~a couple, but the past is the past
What country do you want to Visit: ~Iceland, New Zealand
How do you want to Die: ~old warm loved
Been to the Mall Lately: ~yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: ~yes
Get along with your Parents: ~yes
Health Freak: ~not too much
Do you think your Attractive: ~absolutely!
Believe in Yourself: ~yes
Want to go to College: ~already have
Do you Smoke: ~yes
Do you Drink: ~socially
Shower Daily: ~yeah
Been in Love: ~yes
Do you Sing: ~like a lark
Want to get Married: ~If the right man asks
Do you want Children: ~I love children!
Have your future kids names planned out: ~I have an idea
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ~HAAAA
Hate anyone: ~no
So Whats Wrong
with having a little fun
Thanks to myspace I have been found!! LOL New friends, old friends,people who rock! If you're up for a chat Im on aim & msn (peechesluvsdady@aim.com)
I want to meet my alter ego twin. I think everyone has a twin in the world that they never meet, but other people have. Think about it...has anybody ever asked you if you have a brother or sister or insisted you are someone they "know from somewhere"? Maybe make new friends. I'd like to meet the Bucs. John Gruden... Chucky, U rock!!!I would love to meet Mike Alstott & Cadillac, Warren Sapp...you may not be in Tampa any longer but U still Da Man! Also Sonny from sevendust!! Ooooohhhhh, I really enjoy lookin at him!
I'm Crazy & Fun
Time Doesn't Wait
Time will never wait It will never slow down Hold on to a moment as tight as you can But it will only be that... a momentAnd then the past is what your beloved moment has becomeWhen an oportunity comes to you go where it leads you, If you need to, make the oportunity.Live it, breath it, taste it smell it, touch it, bite it, Take it and make it yours While it is in your grasp
is hot
I love alot of music. Pretty much anything. It depends on if I like that particular song. Some faves are Eva Cassidy, Abby Owens, Hawthorn Heights, The cure, Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, My Chemical Romance, Jewel, Rehab, Modest Mouse, Citizen Cope, Regina Spektor, Jem, Fort Minor, Our Lady Peace, BOXELDER..I highly recomend checkin them out, dmb, Violent Femmes, Sublime, lots... besides, in Florida any outside concert is a good one right?Sonny from sevendust
..I like a lot of different movies. Closer, The Breakfast Club, Friday, The Notebook, My Summer Of Love, Jerry Maguire, Donny Darko, Blow, Finding Nemo, The Island, Fear & Loathing, Resivior Dogs, Four Rooms..pretty much any Quinten Tarentino flick, American Beauty, Napoleon Dynamite, Old School, King Kong, a whole buncha stuff. Diary of a Mad Black Woman,I like alot of the Tyler Perry stuff. He makes me laugh till it hurts!
Thank God for DVR! I'll record stuff to watch after Raven goes to sleep.
I Love Grey's Anatomy!! All time #1 favorite!
~ Denny ~
i also like House,
Big Love, Hell's Kitchen, Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Mr. Show
Im a big fan of Adult swim, Boondocks
A womans Right to shoes!
Just recently got in to "The Boys & Girls Guide To Getting Down" yumm yumm!I like poetry collections like Walt Whittman Leaves of Grass. The Destructors, Why Do Men Have Nipples? The Memory Keeper's Daughter, The Wild Good, However my favorite is The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
You Are a Rainbow
Breathtaking and rare
You are totally enchanting and intriguing
You are best known for: your beauty
Your dominant state: seducing
Here are my heoro's, my family and friends...they can put up with me!! My Dad, he's been in my shoes & is always there for me.Christie..you are my spirit sister.
Those that love me are my heros! Its a great feat to be able to handle this!!Your results:
You are Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.