Some call me the son of the morning profile picture

Some call me the son of the morning

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

About Me

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Zeitgeist!!!THINK ABOUT ITMcCains Double Talk Express.YOU LITTLE JERK!!!!!John McCain vs John McCainWTF????GOTCHA! Journalism? I believe in Gonzo Journalism, so I hereby agree to call Hunter S. Thompson from his grave and interview this person, a person I see as G W Bush with a bee-hive-hair-dew and some lipstick, and show her a thing or two. Fuck man! where is Richard M NIXON???? I'd rather have Quayle, Cheney, BOB FREAKING DOLE!!! I hear by invoke you!!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<