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Midwest Communist

I am here for Friends

About Me

"As capitalism has become infected by the crises of it's decay, truth has become it's antagonist. On the other hand, for socialism, for Marxism-Leninism, truth is an indispensible instrument. Truth is the soul, the very nature, of Marxism-Leninism. Because Marxism-Leninism is a science that rests on a careful and meticulous study of all the facts of objective reality, it is as close to truth as possible." (Gus Hall, 'The Role of Theory in the Struggle for World Communist Unity,' "Political Affairs," Sept. 1977)Who am I? I am a working-class Communist. Marx and Engels wrote that Communists are "the most advanced and resolute section of the working-class parties of every country, that section which pushes forward all others" and "clearly understand...the line of march, the conditions, and the ultimate general results of the proletarian movement." (Marx and Engels,"Communist Manifesto," 1848) We Communists have never made any secret of the fact that our ultimate objective is socialism.As American workers we strive publically and by democratic means to convince the American people that socialism is the only way to end the scourge of economic crisis, unemployment, and violent class conflict. We strive to convince them that only socialism can once and for all put an end to racism, reaction, fascism, and war which are engendered by monopoly capitalism.We Communists are confident that the day will come when the majority of Americans will decide by their own free choice, on the basis of their own experience, and in harmony with their fundamental interests, to march forward along the road of social progress toward socialism--that is, to establish the common ownership of the national economy under a government of the people, led by the working class.What Is Socialism?Socialism is the social ownership of means of production and their utilization to satisfy the material and cultural requirements of the whole of society. Socialism is necessary because only by such a radical transformation of the economic basis of society can the evils resulting from capitalism be done away with, and new powerful techniques be fully utilized.Socialism can be achieved only by means of the struggle of the working class, and only on condition that the mass working-class movement is equipped with scientific socialist theory. V.I. Lenin said that: "Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement." (Lenin, 'What Is To Be Done?', 1902)Marx and Engels established the basis of this theory. The foundation of their teaching was their discovery of the laws of development of society, the laws of the class struggle. Frederick Engels pointed out that with Karl Marx's discovery of surplus value and the materialist conception of history "socialism became a science." (Engels, 'Socialism: Utopian and Scientific,' 1892)Thus understanding the laws of historical development, Marx and Engels showed that socialism was not a utopian dream, but the inevitable outcome of the development of capitalist society and of the working-class struggle against capitalism.Marx and Engels taught the working class to be conscious of its' own strength and of its' own class interests, and to unite for a determined struggle against the capitalist class, rallying around itself all the forces discontented with capitalism.They showed that it was impossible to get rid of capitalism and establish socialism unless the working class conquered political power, deprived the capitalists of all power and stamped out their resistance. This is called the dictatorship of the proletariat. Lenin wrote that: "Only he is a Marxist who EXTENDS the recognition of the class struggle to the recognition of the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT. This is what constitutes the most profound distinction between the Marxist and the ordinary petty (as well as big) bourgeois." (Lenin, 'State and Revolution,' 1917) And Marx and Engels showed that in order to vanquish the old world and create a new, classless society, the working class must have its' own party, which they called the Communist Party. Lenin wrote that that: "It (Marxism) made clear the real task of a revolutionary socialist party: not to draw up plans for refashioning society, not to preach to the capitalists and their hangers-on about improving the lot of the workers, not to hatch conspiracies, but to organize the class struggle of the proletariat and to guide this struggle, the ultimate aim of which is the conquest of political power by the proletariat and the organization of a socialist society." (Lenin, 'Our Programme,' 1899)The scientific socialist theory of Marxism-Leninism is tried and tested and has proved it's truth in practice. Guided and inspired by it, socialism was built in the Soviet Union, and the shape of the future communist society became clear. In the USSR,a new world came into existence whose growth the forces of the old were utterly powerless to prevent. We have every right to defend it's achievements.Completely different is the world of dying capitalism, torn by insoluble crisis and conflict. The main contradiction in capitalist society is that production is social but appropriation is private. Frederick Engels writes that: "The contradiction between socialized production and capitalistic appropriation manifested itself as the antagonism of proletariat and bourgeoisie." (Engels, 'Anti-Duhring,' 1877) Under capitalism, the ruling monopolies strive to solve their problems and increase their profits by forcing down the people's standards, by deceiving the people and undermining their liberties, by piling up armaments and waging and preparing to wage aggressive wars of conquest. They pin their hopes for the future on bombs and napalm and bacteriological weapons. Their final accomplishment is the means for mass destruction. Gus Hall, the former leader of the Communist Party USA, wrote that: "At no previous time in history has life presented so much irrefutable evidence as today that capitalism as a socio-economic system is outmoded and therefore on the skids of extinction." (Gus Hall, 'Capitalism on the Skids to Oblivion,' 1972)Our final conclusion, then, is clear. All over the world the common people can and must unite to preserve peace. We must work for the ending of capitalism and the establishment of socialism in our own country. Socialism cannot possibly be achieved by any gradual transition based on class collaboration, since by it's very conditions of existence the capitalist class is bound to resist to end the introduction of socialism, which would deprive it of it's power and profits. On the contrary, it can be achieved only by the struggle of the working class to emancipate itself from capitalist exploitation. By emancipating itself from capitalist exploitation the working class will thereby emancipate society at large from all exploitation. "We are going to be an important factor in the force that will propel the capitalist dinosaur to extinction." (Gus Hall, 'Capitalism on the Skids to Oblivion,' 1972) Speed the day! ..

My Interests

Cool Myspace Group! Communist Party (Marxism-Leninism) Gus Hall, great former leader of the Communist Party USA GUS HALL ACTION CLUB BLOG http://gushallactionclub.blogspot.com/ ALAN MAKI'S THOUGHTS FROM PODUNK http://thepodunkblog.blogspot.com/ MARXISM-LENINISM TODAY www.mltoday.com COMMUNIST PARTY USA www.cpusa.org YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE www.yclusa.org PEOPLES WEEKLY WORLD www.pww.org INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS www.intpubnyc.com

I'd like to meet:

Working class militants, activists, and fighters in the mass struggles; potential fans of Marx, Engels and Lenin; readers of the online or newspaper editions of "People's Weekly World" (www.pww.org); Communist Party USA (www.cpusa.org) and/or Young Communist League (www.yclusa.org) members and supporters; and sincere working class people. No Trotskyites, please. "Many working people especially in the capitalist world, go through life in the belief that the world of ideas of theory and science is beyond their ability to understand. They believe theory and science have little to do with their everyday lives or activities. They accept the notion that the world of ideas, the realm of thought, is for intellectuals and professionals.That, of course, is how the ruling classes of all past and present exploitative societies have wanted it...U.S. capitalism has always prompted the concept that thinking should be limited to the chosen few." (Gus Hall, 'Working Class Intellectuals,' "Political Affairs," 1977; essay also to be found in Gus Hall's book "Working Class USA" by International Publishers)


Paul Robeson, Pete Seeger, the "Internationale", Anti-Flag, Leadbelly, Soviet Red Army Band, "Star Wars" soundtracks, my son's fave: Rammstein


"Star Wars" and the proletarian movie "Salt of the Earth". Marxism teaches us to always look for the class, material and economic interests behind and motivating all ideologies and principles, all institutions and movies. Marx and Engels write in the "Communist Manifesto" that "the ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of it's ruling class" and this is reflected in decadent mass corporate culture and films of bourgeois society.


Michael Parenti points out: "Films and television programs have propagated images and ideologies that are supportive of imperialism, phobic anti-communism, capitalism, racism, sexism, militarism, authoritarian violence, vigilantism, and anti-working-class attitudes."


"Foundations of Leninism" by J.V. Stalin; "Amendments to the Constitution of the United States" is valuable information for activists; "Dynamics of Social Change" from the writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin, edited by Howard Selsam, David Goldway and Harry Martel; "Reader in Marxist Philosophy" from the writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin, edited by Howard Selsam and Harry Martel; "Socialism Betrayed: Behind the Collapse of the Soviet Union" by Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny; "State and Revolution" by V.I. Lenin: "Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky" by Lenin; "What Is To Be Done?" by Lenin; "Communist Manifesto" and "Wage-Labor and Capital" by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; books by International Publishers; "Marx, Engels, Lenin for a Better World:Excerpts from the Classics" edited by Danny Rubin; Victor Perlo; Langston Hughes


Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, V.I. Lenin, William Z. Foster, Gus Hall, Paul Robeson and the rank and file U.S. Communist Party cadre who stood up to McCarthyism and reaction. My son is my hero every day.

My Blog


Comrades!I warmly point out that the question of the role of Marxist-Leninist clubs is important. V.I. Lenin wrote that: "Not a single class in history achieved power without putting forward its polit...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 02:12:00 PST


Comrades!I warmly point out that recent discussions on the nature, role and task of a Communist Party have made necessary that a more expanded definition of revisionism be provided on my blog...one th...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 04:05:00 PST


PUBLIC OWNERSHIP IS THE ANSWER FOR THE ST. PAUL FORD PLANT!Statement by the Gus Hall Action Club about the soon-to-be closing St. Paul Ford Assembly Plant."Gus Hall, the former Communist Party preside...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:17:00 PST


Comrades!I warmly point out that I am proud to announce that members of the Minneapolis, Minnesota club of the Communist Party U.S.A. were in the 'Star Tribune', Minnesota's major bourgeois newspaper,...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 06:43:00 PST


Comrades!I warmly share extracts from Gus Hall's excellent essay "Workingclass Intellectuals" which is found in his book "Working Class USA." "WORKINGCLASS INTELLECTUALS by GUS HALL (extracts). "'The ...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Sun, 27 May 2007 07:14:00 PST


These statements from Marx, Engels and Lenin begin with the laying out of the objective position of the working class in production, the resulting class struggle and leading role of the working class ...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 01:33:00 PST


Comrades! Folx have asked my views on the former socialist Soviet Union. I ask people to remember Frederick Engel's point about a socialist society:"What we have to deal with here is a communist socie...
Posted by Midwest Communist on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:31:00 PST