Being Daddy, Computers, Guitar, Piano, Girlz/Women, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Skiing (Water and Snow) Nature, History, Anthropology, D & D, Kabbalah, Irony, Theatre (No really ;~) Actually I've re-disovered that life itself is pretty interesting.
Interesting people/life-forms/entities
Anything that gives me goose-bumps...
currently "the pot" by TOOL.
if u r not running safari as a browser hang tight i'm trying to figure it out for u. unfortunately microsoft still owns 90% of the market share in the browser wars, so they don't have to comply with W3C regs... which means that MY embedded music will not play in 90% of the browsers that veiw "MYSPACE" this is a nightmare for developers and i feel an uncontrolable rant coming on so stay tuned...
TNT, SciFi, The Hitler Channel, Discovery, Sopranos, CSI, Law and Order, Sesame Street, The Doodle-Bops, The Muppets, Dora the Explora, Little Einstien, The Three Stooges, Pretty much anything that isn't just horribly bad TV.
Are ALWAYS better than TV.
Isaac, My Family, True Friends, People who aren't affraid to admit that they have made a mistake, and can learn from their mistakes, Anyone who isn't selfish, vindictive or holds a grudge.
jOhnny i hack stuff
use a proxy to surf the net
netcraft for "research"
N Q T "nuff said?"
more internet "research"
Lat Long converter
the happy hacker
free google earth
the white papers
the governments security page
Hacking Exposed official site
Hack in the box
My friend Jamie's travels
MY BLOG Opinions Rants etc
Words To Live By