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El espiritu de la colmena, El sur, Zazie dans le metro, Harold and Maude, The World of Henry Orient, Stranger Than Paradise, M*A*S*H, Life of Brian, Raising Arizona, The Big Lebowski, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaum, Donnie Darko, Virgin Suicides, Mars Attacks!, Shaun of the Dead, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Gloria, Paper Moon, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Nausica of the Valley of the Winds


The Martian Chronicles-Ray Bradbury, Slaughterhouse Five-Kurt Vonnegut, Blind Voices-Tom Reamy, Tapping the Source-Kem Nunn, Stranger Things Happen-Kelly Link, Time Traveler's Wife-Audrey Niffenegger, Never Let me Go-Kazuo Ishiguro, Interpreter of Maladies-Jhumpa Lahiri, The History of Love-Nicole Krauss, Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage-Alice Munro, Cine Roman-Roger Grenier, Lana-Terri Weifenbach