LARA profile picture


The Game Is Mine

About Me

My name is Joseph but everyone and there mom's call me Joey or Lara. i am a very cool lay back guy. I have a great sense of humor and i tend to make people laugh a lot. I am what most people call a Jock. i cant go through metal detectors because I'm the bomb!!!lol.I'm athletic(in a fat way) and I love sports but I love football!! so GIRLS if u like what u see hit me up!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

the love of my life...


I only listen to sounds of the rain forest and Tupac. jp All music is good.........


All Dave Chappelle (I PLEED THA 5TH) ,Chris Farelly,Adam Sandler,Will Ferrell movies, BLOW, GOOD FELLAS, CASINO,A Bronx Taale,GOD FATHER... ONLY PART 1,BOILER ROOM,VANILLA SKY, ETERNAL SUNSHINE,WHAT DREAMS MAY COME,boyz n the hood,spaceballs,young frankenstein,history of the world part 1,harold & kumar,robin williams live on broadway,dazed and comfused,the usual suspects,snatch,transporter 1 and 2,the green mile,grandmas's boy,reversal,all the right moves,it's a wonderful life,bedazzled,friday night lights,the program,varstity blues,Superbad,devil's advocate,the pursuit of happyness,Bachelor Party,Raging Bull,talk to me...............


Favorite TV shows are The Simpsons, MTV, FAmily guy,lucky louie,The NFL channel,ROB&BIG,scrubs,Reno 911,Nip/Tuck


Any book that you can color. Reading is for trick ass ho's.



My Blog


Posted by LARA on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 03:24:00 PST


I hope I find that girl, the girl that helps me find the real defination of love.The girl that loves me for who I am, the girl that will always be by my side and will take care of me as I take care of...
Posted by LARA on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:35:00 PST

White Rabbit

One pill makes you largerAnd one pill makes you smallAnd the ones that mother gives youDon't do anything at allGo ask AliceWhen she's ten feet tallAnd if you go chasin...
Posted by LARA on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:32:00 PST


..know when your heart skips a beat when you encounter something that had been long lost to you, or you hear a song that you can lose yourself in, the thrill of the drop, the fall, and the laughter wh...
Posted by LARA on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:09:00 PST


WRESTLERS are the strongest, fastest and smartest athletes in the world. But that's not what makes them unique. They are the MOST dedicated people in the world. They sacrifice their lives to a sport o...
Posted by LARA on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:10:00 PST

Taking Back Sunday

A beautiful girl can make you dizzy Like you've been drinking jack and coke all morning She can make u feel high Full a single greatest commodity known to man Promise promise of a better day Promise o...
Posted by LARA on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 03:55:00 PST