Only joined 'cos got pestered by eldest daughter who thinks this is the coolest place on the net! Still struggling to get the page right and will probably have to resort to Emma for major help.
I'm the very proud mum of Shoot the Bedroom (well, just Lee to be exact), and also of 2 members of Hammered (if that's what they've now decided to call themselves!!) - Emma (drums) and Mark (vocals), and mum-in-law to the other 2, Mick (lead guitar) and Gilly (vocals & bass). Check out their spaces and see what you think! My youngest daughter Sarah is probably the wierdest one out of all my kids, but then every family has to have a wierd one! Not telling my age, but suffice to say "old enough" on the outside, with a nutty teenager on the inside that's still trying to get out!
I'm half owner of a private hire taxi company and working my tiny tits off - in fact if I work any more hours in a day I won't have any tits left!! (Cheers Michelle for the crazy idea of going into partnership)
Myspace Layouts at / Kiwi jump