~+P!@y!NG 4 K33P$+~ profile picture

~+P!@y!NG 4 K33P$+~

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About Me

It has taken me a long time to realize that... For(given)ess isn't (given) because people deserve it, it's done because they need it.
Love is needed the most when deserved the least.
Love AND Time heal all wounds.
Trust is something accumulated through time and friendship and one time, ONE lie can take that all away.
Loyalty makes a man faithful only when his options are limited.
I HAD the right to remain silent but lacked the ability.
If you haven't listened to The Class of '97 narration/song it is worth stealing LimeWire for!
When someone asks you for your advise, may it be unbiased or not, 9 times out of 10 you are going to piss them off.
Reading the Bible isn't all about Religion, it is the greatest instruction to life lessons and love you will EVER receive.
If HE puts you to it, he will put you through it.
Screw the facts Rhythm should be a 6th sense!
With that being said, music NOT smell would be the strongest sense tied to memory.
Music is the gateway to the soul.
You are a number, not a random number out of a bingo ball or a number to stand in line; No, that number that you are made up of is your credit score, and it will make or break you in the long run.

My Interests


32 pairs of jeans,
girl next door
I brake for animals,
love to wear makeup,
sucker for vanilla,
addict to lip gloss (the tingly kind),
eat just about anything cooked if it smells good,
vanilla bean cheesecake, WHERE!?,
jersey knit sheets, 4 pillows on my bed,
freshness lover (spray on!),
love at first sight and hopeless romantic,
love like you don't know any better,
kiss like you mean it,
forgive like a child,
acoustic guitar player, singer, writer, and dreamer
roll with the windows down and sing as loud as the music
4000 text messages a month!?,
hate to take medicine do take prenatal vitamins (I swear by them),
blondes have more fun,
washboard abs,
push up bras, shaved legs,and white teeth,
mezzo soprano,
hair in a ponytail 90% of the time,
candle whore,
water makes anyone look sexier!,
sucker for brown eyes and happy trails,
sucker for a boy with a motercycle!,
shopping (it's the devil),
4 tats later and wanting more,
laugh till your abs hurt,
sing at the top of your lungs,
bubble bath and candle bliss,
Dalton's blue eyes and heartfelt laughs,
sing me a song,
standing in the pouring rain and feeling like you are being washed clean,
deep breaths on the back of a motorcycle in the middle of a hot summer,
cry when I get mad,
trust everyone until I'm given a reason not to,
I fall in love so deeply it's intoxicating!,
crazy but beautiful, smart in a stupid way, original life...

I'd like to meet:

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art by Leonardo DaVinci

I DARE not ask a kiss,
I dare not beg a smile,
Lest having that, or this,
I might grow proud the while.

No, no, the utmost share
Of my desire shall be
Only to kiss that air
That lately kissed thee.

poem by Robert Herrick

love poems @ myspacefools.com



God for leading me to the rock that is higher than I and for being a strong tower against all odds. My mom Lisa and my dad David. My mom has been my pillar of strength and hope throughout my life and for teaching me that your gut instinct is sometimes better than what your heart says(because we all know that your heart leads you to places you can't easily return from). My dad because he has never steered me wrong with advice and stern "chats" (as he calls them) that always me smile 2 hours later when our chat is over. My sister for always knowing what is up, and for making me really think about what I feel (so glad that masters paid off for the family!) My bonus dad Ty, for teaching me to always be true in all that I do and making me work hard outdoors and on my car and telling me I should never have to depend on a man. My lil sis Julie for loving everything, including DIRT, she's so smart and mean! And OF COURSE my son...My D inspires me everyday and reminds me that no matter how hard my day was, it's not that bad. All he has to do is look at me with those big blues and smile and I could be in tears because he makes me so happy and proud to be his mother because he is my miracle and my life.He has shown me so much in less 3 years and I am his life and responsible for what he knows...
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti...

My Blog

Sneezing Panda

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRH3iTQPrk ...
Posted by ~+P!@y!NG 4 K33P$+~ on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 09:07:00 PST

Katt Williams - Weed

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWhUqo9Aivs ...
Posted by ~+P!@y!NG 4 K33P$+~ on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 08:47:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by ~+P!@y!NG 4 K33P$+~ on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:55:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by ~+P!@y!NG 4 K33P$+~ on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:52:00 PST