About Me
CLICK HERE TO GET A PRE-MADE MYSPACE LAYOUTDude!Edit: I copyed and pasted stuff from my other page thingy 'cause i'm lazy and can't be arsed to type it out again. Enjoy!The Basics:Name: Nathan
Gender: Male (duh)
Bithday: 16th May
Age: 18
Height: Just over 6'
Weight: Not a bloody clue...roughly 12st
Birthplace: Burton, UK
Hair Colour: Natually brown but highlighted blonde at the monment.
Hair Length: Almost shoulder.
Eye Colour: Blue/Green
Ethnicity: White CaucasianOk, now for a little more depth...Was born in England in May and lived here for 2 years. On my second birthday my parents decided to start moving me all over the world, I've been to Taiwan, China, Russia, USA, Canada, Iceland, Lapland, South Africa, 90% of Europe, Indonesia, Mexico, in fact, the only two continents I haven't been too are South American and Australia. I've stayed in each country for a maximum of 4-5 months before moving on, the longest time I was settled was for 6 years in Saudi Arabia. I then moved back to the UK when I turned 15/16 so i could do my GCSEs. Due to all the moving around crap I find it quite hard to answer someone's 'So, where are you from?' question withut using up 30mins of their time. Some people find it interesting though, so I guess I don't mind. At the moment I'm studying Business and Management at De Montfort University in Leicester, it's *such* a good life being a student, crap loads of debt, semi-hard work and plenty of alcohol! I've already gotten £400 into my overdraft, and still have many, many weeks worth of socialising to go yet...my parents are going to kill me... I'm a bit of a geek, love my PC, love playing games. Am also into Rugby in a rather big way too. I played for my county upon my return to the UK for a few months, before having to quit due to exam pressure. I've had quite an eventful Rugby career, managing to nearly double my skeleton due to broken bones. I've broken: Both ankles, my right thigh bone, my left shin, fractured my hip, cracked my sternum, three ribs, my left arm, my right collarbone, multiple fingers, and also fractured my skll where some cockball stamped on me when I was on the floor. The most memorable breakage was my collarbone, resulting in my trapezius muscle (triangular shaped one on your back) flipping over. Now, if I break that bone again, I paralysze my whole left side. Cheery no? :P Erm....can't really think what else to talk about, I'm not that great at chatting about me. I guess you could say I'm not as hardcore gothic as most people on this site, I just find them interesting to talk to. I'm more mainstream then gothic I suppose, styled a bit like an 'emo' but share none of the mentalities of them, eurgh *shudders*. I've got a slender-medium athletic build annnnd....I wear glasses....That's about it! :)