A Few Good Men: You Can't Handle The Truth! ..
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I used to consider myself a cool person, w/ a nice personality and I have a great heart for those who appreciate it!!! and trust me my true friends know who they are...and appreciate it..
everything all changed when my heart was shattered...i found myself abandoned from my home, my life and my love or the love of my life...
I found myself battling a life threating ailment by myself...by myself!!! the one person who I trutsed with my life, shut me out...Do you know what that feels like??? i would still give my life for her...but obbviously she doesn't appreciate it!!! So lifes lesson learned...
you'll find that i'm very open and sincere no matter what!!! I will tell you how i feel and why regardless of weather you like it or not!!! If I come off as having an attitude... it's beacuase i do have one... life is too damm short!!! for you ladies!! true ladies!!! take care of your man!!! don't give me this crap or bullshit!!!that all men are assholes!!! thats not true!!! there might be some out there that don't appreciate you but so what.... we are not all the same!!! trust me on that!!! and move on!!! IF you think that we have a missing gene..in our head.... "We Do!" God made us this way for a reason...If you don't know why...Then buy yourself a clue!!!or ask me...Hint...it's called relying on each other that is what a relationship should be about... there's no such thing as independence...truly by yourself...
if you think it's possible...your only kidding yourself!!! and you should get your head checked!!!
You want us to do something.....don't just expect it to happen on our own...tell!!! us!!! communication by itself is important! the lack of communication is a relationship no no!! I have had it with stupid arguments,being pushed around and walked all over... just because i was being nice... Am i venting here?? Hell yeah!!!! If you don't like it then Step!!! On!!!
I'm like this now only beacuse i've had it!!! life "Is" too damm short!! i had my heart turned into me ruined shattered and destroyed...and for what? just beacuse you couldn't have your way all the time...??? Get Real!!! I had taken some Vows!! that to some are very important...only to find myself all alone cherishing those vows by myself...i don't give a fuck if whoever reads this finds this...offensive....
Read this carfully.....Life was not meant to be lived alone...but cherished by someone you could grow old with...think about it!! Think about it!!! Grow old together... It's DEEP!!!! Just like my heart is that DEEP!!!
Men...you need to wisen up and take note to this...there are not too many ladies that are going to put up with your bullshit excuses anymore...take note and wisen up!!!!! You know it is not that hard to have, maintain, and keep a relationship!!!! People wake up!!!!! communication, respect, and cherishing in a relationship are the important facts...not to be denied...EVER!!! If you find this offensive...and the shoe fits then so be it....Si te cae el saco...pongatelo..!!! If you think this fits you then so be it!!! Do something about!!!!I hail from Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico, Los Angeles California, New Jersey And Chicago Illinois, and my current Adddress is Hell!!!. Ask yourself....when was the last time I appreciated something....anything...appreciation doesn't cost anything...but yet pays grattitude towards everything...If u have a problem...no matter what it is...pay appreciation towards it, and it will resolve itself...trust me... it works....you just have to try...swallow pride,be humble and try...!!!! this is no joke!!!! life is too damm short to not try!!! c'mon realize the truth in the matter!!! do we all have to be so pridefull and not realize that tomorrow we might not be here....i will!!! live life to it's fullest!!! no matter what!!! and i do not have to answer to anybody else except God!!!! so deal with it!!!
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ExtraCodes.com Layouts and Backgrounds
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com. More colors .