About Me
i tick, you tock, we all tick tock, making this universe go on. i am you, because the way i move, the way i think, the way i smile influence you and all, as the way you speak, the way you cry, the way you feel influence me and all. we are all hopelessly/hopefully connected like cogs in a clock... realizing the togetherness is the taste of sweet freedom.------- I'M -------HOME OF CONTRADICTION:always alone but never alone,coexistence of weakness and strength,evolving slowly from a grownupchild to a childlike grownup,wishing to be everyone's mother yet craving for a mother myself.STUDENT OF IDEAL:in search of love peace liberty everyday,choosing to be hurt hundred times than hurting others,finding peace in dangerous freedom not from comfortable binding,driven by persistent curiosity still enjoying poisonous fume from the life's test tubes.WOMAN OF ILLUSION:the most liberal yet hopelessly old fashioned,naively believing in the fairytale heroine of little mermaid,dreaming for the advent of the ultimate manliness of lenient and gentle,smelling like a baby but impatiently longing to become a graceful fragrant lady.TOOL OF LOVE:desiring to embrace the whole world,wanting to be used by you like rotten fertilizer,eager to be able to comfort one spirit while this life lasts,hoping that little warmth will spread and create more chains of warmth eternally.DESTINY OF NOVELTY:obedient natured but challenge cultured,feeling finally breathable when submerged in water,dripping with love yet kneeling down on a drop of affection,fascinated by a flash of life's treasure but awaiting for the peace of death.HUMAN OF DESIRE:turning each bad experience into a beneficial one,daring to wish the whole world of people to understand me,waiting for the gift of rainbow colors of swimming goggles from you,yearning to be forever empty from all these small and big desires in my mind.