Life isn't really that funny is it? |
I'm visably shaken. I cannot take this anymore. In a downward spiral and I can't. I'm in denial. I need a person to lean on and they are not around right now. I'm down right scared and there is no one... Posted by on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 21:55:00 GMT |
A state of indifference |
I find myself in a state of indifference. I find my mind reeling trying to find a way out of that. I cry because I find these words still in my throat instead of in other people's ears/hearts/minds. W... Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 22:09:00 GMT |
Not sure how to feel |
A little bit of betrayal. A little bit of regret. A lot of frustration and confusion. Being not sure how to feel but knowing almost exactly what I want. I want someone to yell at me and love me. Someo... Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:30:00 GMT |
El Spanglish National Anthem |
El Spanglish National Anthem by Pedro Pietri
We kept heating the riceAnd reheating the beansAnd making cuchifritoDe hard times were plenty De pockets stayed emptyPero the soul ... Posted by on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 14:55:00 GMT |
I Blame Myself. But You Just Were Capable |
I can only blame myself. For this immense pain that I feel you have inflicted. I let my heart cloud my judgment. I let those sweet words take over. My poor head must feel neglected. I loved you. I lov... Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:17:00 GMT |
Someone |
I need someone new. I need to get over this feeling. This love. It has not been returned. I want to let go of it. I need to let go of it so I can feel something else. I'm almost at that point. You kno... Posted by on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 06:31:00 GMT |
My Restless Heart |
There is no sleep for my restless heart. It finds no comfort in the quite and the dark. It seeks no refuge in the cold. It fiinds no tolerance it the starless sky. It reaches and longs for silence, fo... Posted by on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 21:39:00 GMT |
It's Broken |
You know when you sit up nights and you start to think. Thoughts just reel in your head, you know? You think of the first time you think that you met your greatest friends. You think of the first time... Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:31:00 GMT |
The Zazazoo |
So that's all there is. I can't let it go. I've never learned to bury it. I had the zazazoo. It's so good to have the zazazoo. But how can it be so one sided. Maybe I'm too accessable. Maybe I'm just ... Posted by on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 18:43:00 GMT |
Life in grey |
The dicotomy of life. It can be quite beautiful. Frustrating, but beautiful. It forces you to question everything. A life so rich but still a gaping hole. The cold is harsh but still so... Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 13:35:00 GMT |