whats it like knowing ur my everything?
Heather Lee Anna Hawes
A million words could be said.
A million words could be written.
But all there is to know is
You give me a meaning.
We give true love a defenition.
I Love You...Always and Forever.
IMPOSSIBLE is just an excuse used by small people who would rather live in the world they've been given than explore the power they have to change it.
IMPOSSIBLE is not a fact its an opinion, its not a declaration its a dare
IMPOSSIBLE is potential.. Impossible is NOTHING..
"..Pass me the rock n il show u what i can do with it..."
-Napoleon Dynamite
-Love and Basketball
-Finding nemo
-Imagine me and you
-Surfs up
-Remeber the Titans
-Walk to remember
-Above the Rim
-6th Man
-Laguna beach
-The biggest loser
-Americas next top model
-L word
-One tree hill
hahah books? i dnt read unless i forced 2 lol probably explain the lack of brains :( loli♥saMii
...GrEaTesT WNBA pLaYerS...
LaUrEN JaCkSoN..AuSSiE PriDe..
SheryL SwO0peS
-♥ Bianca..the best friend
-♥ Heather
-♥ Nicole
-♥ Bek
-♥ Thomas..the best friend
-♥ Rhi V...invisible train buddy
-♥ Romy
-♥ Kane
-♥ Jess M
-♥ ninja
-♥ Jess E
-♥ Ash..bumchucker
-♥ Candy K
-♥ Ash blair...FROSTYYY
-♥ beachbum
-♥ Bec
-♥ Lauren
-♥ Tashy
-♥ Nadine
-♥ Sarah
-♥ Jake
-♥ Alex
-♥ Rhianon G