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"A long time ago, in a country not so far away, I was eight years old, doing my best Darth Vader imitation."
--Hayden Christensen


Where do I start? My name is Kim and I have managed to make it to my thirties! I am an Evangelical Christian and a staunch Conservative. My friends probably describe me as moody at times but definitely passionate and honest to a fault. The moody part is from having Bipolar Type II. I am not crazy...or at least I do not think I am. I am proof that life for the mentally ill can be fullfilling and awesome. And interesting...

I Want To Meet:

I would like to meet people who are intellectially honest but not so stuck in their ways that they do not invite change in their lives. I also love musicians and have been blessed to have been able to meet a number of them. Policians interest me, actors (Hayden Christensen is on my top list right now!) and also people on my friend list who I have not met...I value your friendship and look forward to the day we meet---even you famous ones with whom I chat!

Current Events:

Being a Good Steward of the Earth takes Common Sense, not Alarmist Tactics and False Propaganda:

Think the rich don't pay their fair share of taxes? Think again!

About CarrJammin:

What you see on this page reflects my values and beliefs, and my interests. I like to be a little "tongue in cheek," so please don't mind the sarcasm coming at you from every corner! When you have been near rock bottom in your life, you tend to not take things as seriously as you once did. Especially yourself.

I suffer from a genetic disease called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), which is sometimes referred to as Gardner's Syndrome. My dad, sis and niece also have it. I am an "ostomate," meaning I have an ileostomy. It is temporary (pending my weight loss). Then I will get what is called a j-pouch, which is internal and a lot less to maintain ;)

I consider myself to be blessed beyond comprehension. I take my relationship with Jesus Christ extremely seriously because He has never let me down. I also love learning new things and absorbing massive amounts of information (as my medicated brain allows). I am a natural skeptic and in order to satisfy that part of me I must have evidence...So I have become a pretty good investigator of facts in my personal life.

One more thing: I do not tolerate hatred. God is Love. Just because people in the world have free will to make their own choices about how they want to live and they choose to live with hate in their hearts, well, that does not mean that I have to put up with it. So sarcasm and sometimes angry rants will be here, but never hate.

Also, I generally do not accept people onto my friend list that I do not know or have not gotten to know. I make exceptions for musicians/actors, etc. So do not be offended if I do not add you as a friend. I choose my friends carefully. I am not here to collect fake friends.

Rock on!

Music...the soundtrack to my life:

Click to listen to some ROCKIN music!

Eric Carr rocks! The Fox rules!

Got some KISS or Def Leppard?

I am really into classic rock and hard rock music--Journey, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Wings, AC/DC, Steely Dan, Kool & the Gang, etc. I also like some Christian stuff, especially Petra and Southern Gospel.

I am a drummer and my very first influence was Rick Allen of Def Leppard. He is still a very important influence to me; I will always be indebted to him and to Def Leppard for getting me away from the crappy music I was listening to at the time (I was 12) and into good hard rock!

My biggest musical influence, though, is my dad. He played guitar in bands when I was a kid and I took it all in, when I could. I was five, after all. He played Steely Dan and The Beatles and classical music on the stereo, forever shaping my taste in music. Thanks Dad!

Movies and Television:

I am a huge Star Wars freak. I especially love the Prequels with Hayden Christensen in them.

Other movies I love are Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson), The Bourne Movies, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and The Passion. I just had the opportunity to see "Jumper," starring (you guessed it) Hayden Christensen and Samuel L. Jackson, in the theater and if you like the Bourne movies--intense, quick action movies with a thrilling plot, then I highly recommend this film.

Hayden Christensen

If it is British Comedy, I love it. Especially Brit-Coms. Are You Being Served?, Monty Python's Flying Circus, My Hero, Benny Hill, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Ab Fab, etc.

I also like Classic Cartoons like Tom & Jerry and Looney Tunes.

A Piece Of My Mind:

I am a proud Conservative, though the term Republican is now being muddled in this year's political race for the presidency. I will never stand down from my Conservative principles even if it means leaving the party I hold so dear.

I am also a devout Evangelical Christian. I believe that that there is One God and that he is available in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This does not mean that I believe there are Three Gods. That is Polytheism. No, there is ONE God and the Triune Nature of God is considered a Mystery. As I walk in my daily life with God, I understand this mystery more and more. I am blessed to have a relationship with a God who loves me so much that He died for me on the cross and has guarenteed me complete Happiness in Heaven.

Lee Strobel is a former Chicago Tribune investigative reporter. As an atheist, he set out to prove to wife, who had just become a Christian, that God did not exist. Find out what he uncovered at his site.


My Grandpop Boyko was a POW in WWII. He is my big hero. He showed us humilty and was always so good to my sister and me. He taught us how to appreciate the little things in life.

My father taught us how to work hard and be responsible for our actions but he is so patient. He is also very talented and smart. He is everything I want to be.

Eric Carr...what a brave person. I looked up to him in my darkest times. Even in death, I looked at what he went through in his illness and knew I had to fight on.

Jesus Christ: What can I say? He gave His all for me. He paid the price of my sins when I should have paid them. (That is God's GRACE!) Because of Him I will no longer have to spend eternity in Hell. I can only thank Him by glorifying him.

The soldiers who fight for my right to have this page. God BLESS you. Words cannot describe how wonderful you are. Cousin Terry Wise, my bro-in-law Tom Hayes, other cousins and family who have served and are serving, and all of you who are not even related to me who have worn the uniform of this great country at some point...THANK YOU!

Grandmom Boyko for taking care of me when I was a kid. Those hands mean so much. I will miss you. are my friend. We are so alike. Thank you for being my advocate.

Dan: My lover, my husband. It is you and me forever. God placed us in each other's hearts and it is where we will remain. I love you.

Dan writes this on the car every time it snows. I finally got a picture before it melted.


The Bible is my favorite book. If that sounds lame, well, so be it, but it is true for me. I mean you can read the same passage so many different times and get something different out of it as it applies to that particular time of your life. It is a living document and is the LIVING Word of God. SO many people take it for granted but if they only would actually pick it up and read it for an extended period of time, what an impact on their lives it would make. But Truth intimidates people, especially when it makes them examine their own hearts and lifestyles. The Bible has done that in my life and I always come out better than before. Try it...unless you can't handle the truth.

I also love Nonfiction and Religious and Political Nonfiction/Biographies. I am an information junky. Comment Me Here! :) Rock On! (Please erase this text before you type your comment. Then after you write your comment, click "Comment Me" one time.)

Updates On Me:

April 12, 2008:
Leia, our newest puppy, is 10 weeks old tomorrow. She is getting the hang of things in this house and our other pets are accepting her as part of the "pack." She got her first collar yesterday, a girly purple one, and she absolutely HATES it! Every moment she can, she tries to scratch it off! But she will soon learn to accept itlike the others have ;)

Having our first child is going to prove much harder than normal for Dan and me. I am not ovulating at all. So I am on a medicine now called Clomid, which I will take for 5 days starting tomorrow, to start ovulation for me. Let's just hope I ovulate one egg and not more than 3 at a time(triplets seem to be hard enough to carry!). The world of testing for me os not nearly over and I will keep you posted.

Check back to this little spot and I will keep it updated as often as I deem appropriate!

Extra Credit:

Thanks to Megan and Tina for getting me on MySpace.

I created this profile using a premade layout from ain't as easy as it looks and it took a lot of practice to get it right!

I used to help me with decisions based on fonts and font sizes. Also a really great color chart is available here if you are doing your own profile.

A lot of my pics are hosted by Photobucket , which is really handy.

I have used MyGlitterSpace some of the goodies on my page.

If you want to learn how to edit your own page, then visit Dave's MySpace Profile Tutorial . If you look around there, you will also find other tutorials like CSS and HTML.

If I have missed anyone, I sincerely apologize. I have been very blessed to be able to design this page and make it my own and I want everyone to get credit. I know my profile ain't much, but it is a good reflection of me.

My Blog

Expelled: Permitting Honest Dialog in the Land of the Free

Why Is Ben Stein Talking About Darwin? In 'Expelled,' the actor shows his serious side when he tackles Darwin, Intelligent Design, and academic freedom   Interview by Ansley Roan Most people k...
Posted by CarrJammin on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:46:00 PST

Save your life--get a colonoscopy!

I am posting this because it is very personal to me.  I suffer from Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), or, as it is sometimes referred to in more serious forms, Gardner’s Syndrome. ...
Posted by CarrJammin on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Doing Nice things for People: Is It Worth It?

Everyone who knows me well knows that I like to do things for people.  Not because I HAVE to, but because I WANT to.  I am a Christian and Christ did this really nice thing for me by dying o...
Posted by CarrJammin on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 11:24:00 PST

Britney and Bipolar

Note from Kim:  As a person with Bipolar Disorder, I have, for a while, offered my opinion on Ms. Spears to the people around me because I see her behavior mimmicking that of someone having a man...
Posted by CarrJammin on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 02:19:00 PST

This Is What It’s All About, People!

From the Apostle Luke, a physician...his writings are more elaborate in nature than the other Gospel writers.Yes, this is the long version because it explains what LED UP to the birth of Christ. ...
Posted by CarrJammin on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 03:53:00 PST

Sorry, Mr. Edison, Saving Energy In Lieu of Public Safety Wins in the U.S. Today

Incandescent stupidity: Washington outlaws 100-watt lightbulbs By Michelle Malkin  "  December 19, 2007 03:30 PM You know the energy bill that Congress passed and President Bush s...
Posted by CarrJammin on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:54:00 PST

"The Gift" by Steve McVey

The Giftby Steve McVey When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary 2000 years ago, she was told that God's Spirit was about to come upon her and as a result she would give birth to Divine Life. What a sho...
Posted by CarrJammin on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 07:57:00 PST

Vengence and Petty Childishness

Revenge is a stupid game that I resist playing.  I am not a child, and  I do not like to play their games (unless it is a really cool video game or board game!).  If I slip up...
Posted by CarrJammin on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:13:00 PST

Most of Them Are Left to Die

Testimony of Gianna Jessen1Hearing on H.R. 4292, the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000"House Judiciary Subcommittee on the ConstitutionJuly 20, 2000 My name is Gianna Jessen. I would like to ...
Posted by CarrJammin on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 02:05:00 PST

Wait A MInute, This Is MY Blog...

At the risk of sounding self-righteous, I have come to the realization that I cannot let others (except for Tom and the FCC) dictate how I write my blogs, the subject matter about which I write, and h...
Posted by CarrJammin on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 04:35:00 PST