...Lovemaking,Singing-Yelling-Screaming.I love music! Being creative.Watching shows & touring/traveling.Hanging with kickass friends & partying.Thinking ALOT about things that depress me.I think as time goes by I get off on the chaos in my life.I am a happy & positive person.But The darkside or depressing side takes over from time to time.I am real No bullshit here.I think people are afraid to admit.But I love to be in the company of the dammed.
I met her.My bestfriend/girlfriend.She gets me & is almost as crazy as me.Industrial/Metal.I want to meet anyone that loves to create music.Creative music.I am a free agent vocalist.I tear it up like no other,vocals & performance
My Music!All my friends Stuff anything creative,& ROCKS!MY NEW MUSIC PROJECTS! The past(MOTOGRATER)I cant get away from fuckin masks & makup!