A is for Amy who fell down the stairs profile picture

A is for Amy who fell down the stairs

About Me

...oh, so you want to know about me?? Well, I think that every person is just a collection of interesting little tidbits of stuff...here's some interesting little tidbits of my stuff...
-I have an irrational fear of spiders and heights. -I can't go swimming in natural bodies of water unless I can see the bottom and I have to have my feet covered at all times. -I wanted to be an Archeologist when I was little. I tell everyone that Indiana Jones and Wonder Woman were my heros when I was a kid, but secretly they still are. -My favorite color depends on the day of the week. -If I meet you on the street I probably won't remember your name the next time I meet you. Not that I won't remember meeting you, I'm just really bad with names. But oddly enough if I saw you in a movie for five seconds ten years ago I can tell you your name, every movie you've ever been in since, and the names of all of the people in those movies with you. -I'm a Grammy-award winning artist in the safe and rejection-free confines of my car. -I have an inherent mistrust of people that don't have a sense of humor. -I don't have any nicknames...I've tried giving myself one but it just doesn't stick if you give it to yourself :( -I once told my fourth grade teacher I had morning sickness, when she asked me if my mom was going to have a baby I thought she was a genius. -I think I talk about work too much...and I think it irritates the piss out of my friends...but they're too nice to say anything about it so they just put up with me. -I have really nice friends :o) -One day I want to live by the ocean. -Driving in big cities scares the shit out of me. -I'm hopelessly addicted to carbs. -I know Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in German.-Even superheros have to keep mundane things like To Do lists...-I think Scottish accents are cool as hell. -I hate my cell phone because I can't live without it. -I'm a Leo and the only quality I posess that's even remotely Leo-like is the fact that I'm the boss at work. Although most of my employees will probably say I'm the most childish and unprofessional boss they've ever had. -I'm tragically disorganized. -I'm a sympathetic crier...like a rock until someone around me starts crying. Then I'm a big blubbering baby.
-Tinkerbell is my cartoon hero. She's not seen as the girly-girl princess type but she's still a girl. Cute and feminine but mess with her and your bound to end up on the floor in a world of hurt. She's kind of an idiot when it comes to love. She's stuck on a guy that will never grown up and likes someone else. She has a tendancy to go on jealous homicidal rampages. Plus she can fly. All the qualities that make a cartoon heros worth of admiration. -Tom Jones makes me do the Carlton.
-My job takes up WAY TOO much of my time and energy. It's not the kind of job where you go, "I love this job and I would never do anything different!!!", but it's also not one where I dread going to work everyday. I'm proud to tell people what I do for a living, it pays my bills and I'm not living paycheck to paycheck anymore. "Pretty good for a single girl with no degree" a friend of mine once said. Plus I really like all the people I work with which is a blessing because there are lots of unsavory folks out there. I've worked with plenty in the past. I'm fortunate now to work with people I enjoy being around. -I have an irrational fear of spiders and heights...I know I mentioned it already but they seriously freak me out...I get vertigo going up open flights of stairs and I'm convinced every spider I see is going to chew my head off...
-Sometimes I wonder if I should act my age. Then I think that we all spend so much time in our childhoods wishing we were older. So it seems only fitting to be an adult and wishing I were younger. Except it's way better this time around because I don't have a bed time anymore...
It means, "infinite are the number of fools." Oh so true...and sometimes I'm even one of them...um...a lot of the time I'm one of them!! :o)
I get a kick outta these demented little games
Click on the girl to pick her up and let her fall...an extremely disturbing metaphor for life's journey or psychotic flash at work??? You decide...
HEADBUTT!!! Move the guy around with your mouse and left-click to headbutt the other players...cool.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

-This is gonna seem weird but anyone who intimidates me now or intimidated me in the past, I'd like to meet them as kids. Seeing them in any akward phase of childhood would bring them down a few notches and make them a lot less scary.

-I'd like to meet the person that invented the cell phone so I can thank them then punch them in the face :)

-I'd like to meet President Bush. Just to satisfy my curiosity. He's portrayed as such an idiot on TV most of the time, so I want to know if he comes off that way in person too.

-I'd like to meet Stephen King. I'm not sure what I'd say to him, aside from thanks for all the stories.

My Blog

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,   On behalf of all naughty girls in the world, I would just like to say, I am sorry.  I have been very hateful over the past few years.  If you would do me the small favor o...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 02:52:00 GMT

Walking through a crowd...

So I'm bloggin out some frustration here...maybe you'll enjoy it, maybe you won't...I suppose I don't care either way...actually I don't care if you don't enjoy it...if you do that's totally...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:42:00 GMT

Little Dudes passing

Little Dude, my psycho beta fish, died today.  I thought he was faking again like he usually does...floating belly up on the top of the bowl, waiting for me to chase him around the bowl with...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 00:02:00 GMT

Back to work...

It's not fair...I go back to work after having a vacation only to get bombarded by a week's worth of work that I need to catch up on in like a day or two...it sucks!!!!   Let's all take...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 21:48:00 GMT

My Staycation

"Where are you going on your vacation?"  That seemed to be the most common question for me at work leading up to my week off.  Aside from the usual questions to rehash stuff that I already ...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 10:39:00 GMT

Ten Things to Make the World a Better Place

This list does not contain frivolous items like world peace, a cure to cancer or a solution to the energy crisis or anything like that&it's a totally self-absorbed look at what I want&if you wanted to...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 20:52:00 GMT

Some people arent worth the time...

I can't stand people who are so pig-headed that they can't even hear what you're saying...won't hear what you're saying...because all they're really interested in is having someone pity them and liste...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 01:17:00 GMT

Mary is buying a house

So yeah the title says it...Mary is buying a house.  We went to view some houses today.  She normally a total wuss about stuff like this so I take the lead and ask questions and pl...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 18:25:00 GMT


I cried at work.  I hate it but the situation got the better of me and I stormed out and ran to the restroom and balled.  If you know me, I'm not overly emotional and I have a pretty long li...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:31:00 GMT

Half full or half empty...?

Changes on the horizon at work got me worried and weighing some pro’s and con’s...   10 reasons I’d be OK with losing my job 1.      I’ll hav...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:08:00 GMT