Paul Kneejie started this label with Bryan Levine. Paul Kneejie is Irish and has a neck beard. Bryan is Jewish and likes to complain about Paul's drinking problem.
Paul and Bryan went to college together. While at college they got the idea to start a record empire that would rule the universe of music and bring legions of rad kiddies to their doorsteps with their parents hard earned cash. This idea failed.
Paul now is living in a cave up in the San Gabriel mountains where he produces moonshine like his relatives did many years ago. Bryan has become a diamond cutter in Tel Aviv. At times they meet up to discuss their future together. One will always bring the other out of depression and tell him to keep on trucking. Sometimes Paul will make Bryan a potato or some corned beef. Sometimes Bryan will make Paul a diamond/money sandwich.
Anyhuuuu.... where was I. Oh yeah. This label exist because of these two dudes Bryan and Paul. They have gotten help as of lately from a bunch of kind souls who no doubt feel bad for them.
Someday Paul and Bryan will unite again. They will compare bellies and laugh about the good times rocking in High School when they were super cool. Remember High School? Man it was awesome.
For right now you can buy from a long list a most radical bands that Paul and Bryan have tracked down and bugged to death about doing releases.
If you are ever on Kill Shaman remember that both Paul and Bryan are lonely and will likely bug you and your band to hang out with them. Sometimes you may get a call in the middle of the night and they just wanna talk about their feelings.
That is all there is to say about Kill Shaman.
Nerve City "I F'ed DEATH" 10" /// $12Night Control "Death Control" CD /// $9
Crime in Choir "Gift Givers" CD /// $12
Bad Dudes "Eat Drugs" LP /// $12