"LOVE iS RARE, LiFE iS STRANGE, NOTHiNG LASTS, PEOPLE CHANGE." i value friendship as much as family. i know my priorities and no one can change them. i hate people who think&act like they know me. i don't trust no wun or expect nothing from nowun. i'm not a pessimist, i just see things the way they are. i'm easily bored but at the same time easily amused. i'm really nice until you fuck me over. i trust too easily, big mistake. i like to mess around alot, cus i'm a joker :D.. i'm a thinker, there's a million things constantly running through my mind, don't try to figure out what i'm thinking about cus you can't. i like going out alot, but at the same time i can't miss my 'alone' time becus that's the only time i really get to just focus on fixing my own problems. i guess you can say i like to get involved in other ppls business(only the ones i care about) but it's only because i care too much, big mistake ..2. i have the best friends a girl can ever have, but i'm always happy to make more. DON'T LiKE ME, DON'T GiVE A FUCK. -Sharon Tsai