anivad profile picture


About Me

i made this profile a looooooong time ago. and then forgot i had it, and forgot my password. and then i remembered. but now i don't have this email anymore so i cant delete or transfer it now i'm actually putting stuff on it...don't ask.

i smile and laugh like an idiot at random times.

My Interests

the little things that bring smiles to peoples faces.

I'd like to meet:

the best hugger in the world.
the second biggest dork of the universe.
anyone who looks like a spartan. O_O + :)

1. tall
2. broad shoulders/nice BACK :) [goong status (: but i don't think his back was all that nice...he's too scrawny...]
3. makes me smile & laugh. the more uncontrollably, the better.
4. a GOOD hugger. and by GOOD i mean GOOOOD.
5. knows how to calm me down and make me feel better when i'm in a bad mood.
[4+5 in stella's words = "someone who can make the world disappear with a hug"]
6. knows when to talk. and knows when silence is what is needed. but someone who is also comfortable with me not talking. i'm not much of a talker.
7. not a pansy.
8. good mannered, table manners included. i cannot handle nasty eaters...gross.
9. nice hands. pretty eyes. nice eyebrows. [i know that sounds weird but it's a subconsious thing...if you look at all the guys that i think are really good looking, like celebrities and stuff...majority have really nice eyebrows...i mean come on, look at song seung hun 10. can love me for who i am. the good AND the bad. someone who i'm comfortable with.
^that person.


anberlin. autolux. badly drawn boy. belle & sebastian. ben folds. black eyed peas. bloc party. boys night out. boyz ii men. brand new. bright eyes. ciara. coldplay. copeland. corinne bailey rae. damien rice. damone. daphne loves derby. dashboard confessional. death cab for cutie. ella fitzgerald. elliott smith. emery. epik high. foo fighters. frank sinatra. frou frou. god. gym class heroes. hot hot heat. imogen heap. ingrid michaelson. interpol. iron & wine. jack johnson. jack's mannequin. james brown. jason mraz. jay-z. jeff buckley. jimmy eat world. john legend. justin timberlake. keane. kelly clarkson. kite flying society. kt tunstall. le tigre. lily allen. limbeck. louis armstrong. lovedrug. mae. mando diao. marvin gaye. mates of state. mc mong. modest mouse. motion city soundtrack. muse. my chemical romance. nada surf. no doubt. norah jones. 'nsync. pedro the lion. pharrell williams. quietdrive. rachael yamagata. radiohead. relient k. rilo kiley. robin thicke. rocky votolato. rooney. saves the day. say anything. senses fail. sg wannabe. sherwood. sigur ros. snow patrol. something corporate. something for rockets. spitalfield. spoon. steel train. stevie wonder. straylight run. sufjan stevens. sugarcult. taking back sunday. ted leo + pharmacists. the arcade fire. the ataris. the beach boys. the beatles. the bravery. the clash. the cure. the decemberists. the early november. the elected. the format. the fray. the get up kids. the jealous sound. the kooks. the new amsterdams. the notwist. the postal service. the rocket summer. the shins. the smashing pumpkins. the starting line. the streets. the strokes. the temptations. the white stripes. tilly and the wall. u2. violent femmes. waking ashland. weezer. yeah yeah yeahs.


the royal tenenbaums. rushmore. there's something about mary. elf. serendipity. love actually. about a boy. dodgeball. old school. the notebook. garden state. prime. the girl next door. remember the titans. the shawshank redemption. ocean's eleven. in good company. the terminal. the departed. the wedding crashers. almost famous. pride and prejudice. because i said so. the guy was cool. sad movie. the classic. too beautiful to lie. make it big. my tutor friend. temptation of wolves. the art of seduction. love phobia. mr. socrates. amelie. motorcycle diaries.


current: entourage. grey's anatomy. lost. scrubs. the office.
cancelled: arrested development. that '70s show.


Harry Potter. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. East of Eden. Tuesdays with Morrie. The Stranger. The Great Gatsby. Catcher in the Rye. The Giver. The Little Prince.