August 10th, 2007
So this is my now. Potentially weekly new fresh/original song releases on this myspace site. As I said a few months back, I am doing more frequent updates of my website based on new articles and YouTube videos - my YouTube channel is: . I'll be making something out of my DailyMotion site since I have already opened an account there.
The promotion aspect is getting more heat day by day. These two months are for breakthroughs and a powerful release of creative energy.
Age: 23 1/2 Years Old
I'm here for making cool friends, like, if you're very into whatever it is that you're doing, I'll probably find you and add you as a friend. It's cool to keep it light and just laugh at random stuff that happens by the minute.
So, I'm making lots of videos in English and Español. I'm potentially doing some videos of myself talking to new people, just vibing and also knowing their opinions on subjects that concern me on the actuality of my life
My music comes from my heart! Me likes that now it's possible to download all the music in the world. I feel great about the fact that creators are daring to try new things and not to be so afraid to show their creations to the public audience.
I'll be putting up YouTube videos of me playing my songs. It would be nice to exercise freedom and liberty on a more constant basis by testing the waters of sounds I wouldn't normally be involved on a song that has my own lyrics
I changed my hosting to - The support and prices are great. Never in history has having a .com been SO accesible!
I potentially want to produce entertainment. (I already do). What I means is to make comedy videos based on improvisation. How about looking REAL silly on camera for once?
February 24th, 2007
What Up! I'm working on a massive re-set of my website. It'll include a bunch of videos in both ENGLISH and ESPAÑOL. Also I'm having in mind to change the default colors of the website, NOT to mention a possible change of webhosting. More frequent article updates AND much more promotion. I also plan on adding much more links to the coolest websites. Also much more pictures. I've recently lived some very curious things, and I'm certain to write/talk about the lessons and remembrances.
These changes are aided towards aligning with the passion inside
My website is for "people who are ready". I'm not going to change you. It is A:You already relate to what I talk about OR B: You never will.
Ahora en Español... Pa' Mi Gente
Supuestamente deberÃa escribir esto en tercera persona...
En fin...
Cuando compongo una canción lo hago para satisfacer algo interno... No sé que me pasa con canciones que escribà hace 2 años o más que no me sale natural tocarlas... las de 1 año o menos tienen una potencia y una simplicidad con la que me conecto
Para tener una buena banda me parece que al igual que en las relaciones con el sexo opuesto, hay que poner primero el llegarse a conocer, y que lo demás llegue como plato de postre. Este tipo de cosas las abarco en mi website , en el cual estoy canalizando la mayor parte de mÃ.
Desde el 2000 que comencé a aprender a tocar guitarra. Recientemente decidà que la guitarra acústica es donde me quiero enfocar.
A finales de septiembre de 2006 grabe unas canciones en vivo con la guitarra clasica, de ahi quedaron unas 5 canciones que he subido aca. Estoy pensando en próximamente ir a otro estudio de grabación y grabarlas nuevamente, además de una canción que comencé a componer en este mes de octubre. Estoy buscando un lugar donde me sienta apoyado a expresar mi visión y mi creatividad
Siento unas ganas fuertes de solidificarme dentro de lo que hago a través de alcanzar el sonido que siento en mi cabeza cuando canto las canciones... en una grabación