Neno & Brini profile picture

Neno & Brini

I am here for Friends

About Me

Nate & I (Brittany) go to Bend Christian Fellowship and are involved in several things around the church (like Identity) and we love it! Our little Vanilla Bean turned one on November 13th, 2008 and it was a blast! People always ask if it's easier now, and honestly the hard parts that pass are constantly replaced with a new set of challenges! It's tough being parents, but we love her and can't wait to see what is in store for her future:)
Couples Survey***1. What are your first names? Nate & Brittany
2. How long have you been together? We started dating July 2005 and we got married in August 2006
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? a long time...but we never really spoke to eachother.
4. Who asked who out? He asked me.
5. How old are each of you? i'm 21 He's 24
6. What are your astrological signs? I'm a Capricorn and he is a....I don't know
7. How tall are each of you? 5'4" and 6' something
8. Who's mother do you see the most?'s probably about even
9. Who’s siblings do you see the most? I'm an only that would be his
10. Do you have any children together? yuppers, we have one
11. What about pets? nope
12. If so, what kind? ....
13. Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple? hahaha...the hospital know for the baby
14. Where do each of you work? He is self employed with Hardenbrook Ent. I am a stay at home mom.
15. Is that what you went to school for? Nope...enough said
16. Did you go to the same school? nope
17. Are you from the same hometown? yeah, but I'm the true native:)
18. Are you from the same town now? yes
19. Who is the smartest? we have different kinds of smart
20. Who is the most sensitive? ummm...good question
17. Where do you eat out at most as a couple? ummm...I don't know, we really try to mix it up
18. Where do you shop the most as a couple? Safeway and Portland
19. Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple? The Carribbean
22. Who has the best group of friends? We share our friends...they're all the same
23. Who has the craziest exes? I'm the only person he's dated, so I guess me
24. Who has the worst temper? me..

Background from flickr user ..

My Blog


Earth Muffins...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 19:59:00 GMT


I’m going to quote something I heard the other day in a movie. Now, I’m not really sure if I like this movie yet, but I like this line and I think it is truth. "Plan to be suprised" It&rsq...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 13:03:00 GMT


The Middle Wife: I’ve been teaching now for about fifteen years.  I have two kids  myself, but the best birth story I know is the one I saw in my own second-grade classroom a few ...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:23:00 GMT

Being Green

To quote Kermit the Frog, "It’s not easy being green." I don’t think anyone could have said it better. It’s funny how so many people are pushing "eco-friendly" products in our faces...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 21:52:00 GMT