♥ Veronica Rose Cottle ♥
This woman is the strongest person i have ever met.She has raised me sense i was two days old.She has raised her six children and all of their children.She has completely devoted her life to taking care of her family.She deserves so much more than a "Thank you" in return.I wish there was a way to show her how much she means to me.but The gratitude i hold towards could'nt be described using mere words.She's such an amazing person and i just wish she knew that.She's a sister,a cousin,and aunt,a mom,a grandmother,a great-grand mother,and an over-all amazing being.I love you more than you could ever imagine.
The ones i love
Orion(i miss him)
Austin(Fag Muffin)
Of all who hail thy presence as the morning-
Of all to whom thine absence is the night-
The blotting utterly from out high heaven
The sacred sun- of all who, weeping, bless thee
Hourly for hope- for life- ah! above all,
For the resurrection of deep-buried faith
In Truth- in Virtue- in Humanity-
Of all who, on Despair's unhallowed bed
Lying down to die, have suddenly arisen
At thy soft-murmured words, "Let there be light!"
At the soft-murmured words that were fulfilled
In the seraphic glancing of thine eyes-
Of all who owe thee most- whose gratitude
Nearest resembles worship- oh, remember
The truest- the most fervently devoted,
And think that these weak lines are written by him-
By him who, as he pens them, thrills to think
His spirit is communing with an angel's.