The more I think the less I feel.. profile picture

The more I think the less I feel..

I am here for Friends

About Me

One of the Few Surveys that Paints a True Picture of You
The Basics- Just to get a picture of YOU
Hello, what is your name?: Miss Jessica
Height?: 5'2
Weight?: 125
Hair color?: brown
Eye color?: brown
Are you tan, pale or somewhere inbetween?: tanish
Any freckles?: no
Scars or birthmarks?: yes i have a birthmark that looks like a rain cloud on my side!
How old are you?: 19
When's your birthday?: 2-18-88
Where do you live?: Howell
Now for Truly Getting to Know You
Are you more of an opptomist or pessimist?: i'm pretty opptimistic most of the time..
Would you rather spend a year on a deserted island with friends or family?: family
Do you prefer getting everything out of the way or procrastinating?: procrastinating
Are you extremely quiet around people you don't know, outgoing or inbetween: inbetween
Do you have a bunch of friends, a few close friends, or somewhere inbetween: inbetween
Would you die for someone in your family?: yes
What about your friends?: my bestfriends
Do you love to read, hate to read, mildy enjoy it, or mildy dislike it?: i enjoy it if it's someting i chose to read!
What about t.v.?: Gilmore Girls :)
Do you feel like a lot of people know the true you or a small few?: i don't think alot of people know me, but the think they do.
How many people do you trust with your life?: not many.
Would you rather go to a tropical island or ski resort?: island
R you more sensitive or tougher (in the sense you don't care what ppl say)?: depends on whos saying it..
Do you still play video games or find them a bore?: i do play video games haha
Are you really into your looks and fashion or you don't care so much?: i care, i luv clothes :)
Did/do/will you like/liked your high school years?: they were okay.
Why or why not?: I didn't like my first few years cuz i was really shy and sorta a loner, but my last few years after i broke out of my shell were a blast!
Do you prefer excercising or laying around?: exercising
Are you a hard worker in school or more of a slacker, Or somewhere inbtwn?: inbetween
If you're already out of school, what type of student were you?: n/a
Do you feel like you had a great childhood? Or not so good?: i had a good childhood for the most part i lived in my own world and thought i was a princess thanks to disney..
Who is always there to support you?: my mom
Are you more of a day-dreamer or realistic thinker?: day-dreamer
How would you feel if they lengthened the school day? (yuck): mm i'm in college so i probably wouldn't make my class day longer..
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so how many?: i've had alot of flings..2 many 2 count!
If not, are you waiting for the one or waiting for another reason?: i'm just picky about who i will be serious with..and i haven't met anyone who i would want to be serious with yet..
How do you feel about life?: it's peachy sometimes and bites me in the ass the other times..
How do you feel about myspace?: its fun
What about abortion?: its wrong
Global warming?: look outside its snowing in march..
Gay marriage?: thats not for me 2 decide..
Surveys?: idk
Do you live in the moment, always look back, or always look foward?: i always try 2 look forward, but i do dwell on the past sometimes..
How do you really feel about yourself?: i'm confident and know what i want..
What about our society?: its insane
Do you consider yourself more deep or simple?: deep
Do other people see you as this or only a few?: i think most people just think i'm crazy..haha
How do you feel about the internet in general?: its a great way 2 keep in touch.
School?: mm..i like 2 learn :)
Are you a lover or a fighter?: lover
Do you consider yourself popular?: no ones popular in college no one cares!
Do you consider yourself a nerd?: not really
Do you even believe in labels or just the person inside?: the person inside everyones so different u really need 2 have a deep conversation w/ someone 2 really get 2 know them anymore.
Would you ditch your best friend for the love of your life?: they would have to get along..i would be stressed out if one or the other made me choose.
What about the other way around?: same
Have you ever really had a Best Friend?: yes lots
Are you more of an english type or a math type?: english
Do stupid people make you laugh?: yes
Are you one of those stupid people?: haha sadly yes
Do you get angry easily?: noo
Do you look for love in all the wrong places?: yes definitly
Who are your friends?: those who know my less goofy side..
Whos in your immediate family?: mom,dad,sister,brother
Do you have a friend who acts different around different people?: everyone acted like that in junior high and high school and yes i know a few who haven't grown out of that stage yet.
Can you trust this person?: not always
What about one who is ALWAYS there for you?: my mom
Do you have a pair of big sunglasses?: yes they are white :)
Do you act random a lot or find that very immature?: oh i'm random..serious is boring!
Do girls just wanna have fun?: uhhh huh
What do you prefer? Strawberry daqueris or pina coladas?: strawberry daqueris
Are you a very complex person?Is your life full of lessons, fun, and reason: mm..i'm pretty complex..i have lots of layers!
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My Interests

I absoulutely love to sing I started singing before I could speak in full sentences i think, and well I never learned how to shut-up. I've been singing pretty much forever it's a continious on going thing...when i'm not singing out loud i'm singing in my head soo i tend to ask people to repeat themselves alot... WHAT? is a very common word used in my vocabulary. I also love playing pretend and using my imagination ;)... thats probably why I'm in with love acting. Musicals are my absolute favorite! I personally feel that the entire world should break out into song randomly on a daily would be more amusing that way ;)...but thats me and well I suppose I do it all the time anyway!

I'd like to meet:

Well Jesus Is obviously at the top of the list because he was perfect. Then probably Elvis lol! Was he really taken by aliens?? See if I met him I could ask..


The Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Les Miserables, Aida,The Light in he Piazza, Moulin Rouge, West Side Story soundtracks. James Blunt, Gavin Degraw, Etta James, The Fray, Snow Patrol, Rachel Stevens, Norah Jones, Jann Arden, Annie Lennox, Relient K, Anna Nalick, Justin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado, Gwen Stefani, Evanesence, Howie Day, Hinder, Coldplay, Damien Rice, Third Day, Bonnie Tyler, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Charlotte Martin, Taylor Swift, Switchfoot, Nickelback, All American Rejects, Fergie, Josh Groban, Imogean Heap(aka: Frou Frou), Shakira, Cascada, Queen, Sarah Evans, David Grey, Panic at the Disco, The Beatles, The Stix, KT Tunsall, Carrie Underwood, Michael Buble, Kelly Clarkston, Jack Johnson, Leah Andreone, Charlotte Martin, Beyonce, Colbie Caillat... The list could go on forever I luv all kinds of stuff even classical..


I love Gilmore Girls, Alias(it's over I know, but let me reminisce), Psych, Golden Girls, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol (especially the auditions, America's Next Top Model, The Tyra Show, and most recently Heroes..i love DVR!


reading used to be a favorite of mine until I started college.. now i read text books argh... some favorite books that i have read are the Davinci Code, The Harry Potter books, Lord of The Rings, and the whole chronicles of Narnia collection.


My mom.. she's pretty much amazing and taught me everything I know.. the good and the bad ;)
J is for Jolly
E is for Enjoyable
S is for Sensual
S is for Striking
I is for Important
C is for Charismatic
A is for Amazing What Does Your Name Mean?
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural
You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.
You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?
You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Your Personality Profile
You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! The World's Shortest Personality Test
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect
Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing! Are You a Good Kisser?
You Are a Good Girl
You are 80% Good and 20% Bad
Generally speaking, you're a very good girl.
(But you don't have us totally fooled!) Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
You Are Most Like Adriana Lima
Intriguing and sultry Which Victoria's Secret Angel Are You?
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Spiderman
"I have always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?" What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
You Are a Classic Beauty!
You have a timeless beauty that looks great in every decade
Instead following trends, you stick to what works
And this means you never skimp on your beauty routine
Upside? Your classic looks tends to attract gentlemen - not boys. What Type of Beauty Are You?
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