Playing guitar. Sarcasm. Saving money. Spending money. True friends. College. Sleeping. Thinking. Laughing. Working. Humor. Road rage. Oreos. Observing people. Fucking with tele-marketers. The word "Fuck." Wearing pajamas. Analyzing. MUSIC. Inside jokes. Irony. Guitar Hero. Lava lamps. Intelligence. Alkaline Trio. Concerts. Chocolate milk. Driving fast. Chillin. Pretending to be gangsta. People who also like these things. And..... Fuck.
everybody who's been on/scheduled to be on the show Sweet Sixteen, so I can make 16 their last birthday.
...and maybe someone who digs alkaline trio as much as i do.
Anything with jim carrey. Indie films. Movies based on stephen king books because they're the only horror movies that are actually scary. Movies about smoking pot. Stuff directed by Quentin Tarantino. Weird movies that actually make you think.
Old nickelodeon shows (from the 90's when nickelodeon didn't suck), that 70's show, ace of cakes, friends, family guy, the next food network star, south park, good eats, scrubs and a full blown addiction to six feet under... yeah, it's bad.
Anything by stephen king.