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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

..o yeah my name is cory...but i usually go by corny. i think i'm a really really riducously suave guy. yup a regular ladies man that's me....well actually im just good at spitting game with ladies that LOOK like men. Alright about me growing up. ONCe a upon a time....I was ophaned and raised by wolves. It was those early years that i learned to be the leader of the pack and fend for my territory. So the time came when i became a man and bid my farewells to my canine family. I then hitchiked and rode with a man who was smuggling acouple illegal aliens which he disguised them under horse manuer and found myself in the city of San Jose. I then got inspired and became a super hero a rescued a little girl from her tower that she had been imprisoned in. I wisked her away and made her my official pillow. While scrapping for fallen change on the floor i met this dude he was sitting on the side of the street playing these crazy beats on his fabricated drums made of pots and plastic containers. I thought he was cool so i said hey your kinda cool so i dubbed him Ian and aquired him for my band. We needed our band to take off so we decided to join the circus. There ian and i found the skills to become really really riduculously good trapeeze artists. And then we became famous and now we own your little pathetic minds with our music. THE END! So listen to our music bitches!!!! /playadifferentway

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Art Alexakis from Everclear for one, if he had not written "father of mine" i never would have taken that trip to peurto rico to reunite with my father, my sister and brother. i would like nothing more than to thank him. oh god since i'm still on the subject of music GOMEZ, GOMEZ, GOMEZ! my insperation for being a musician plain and simple. lets see, the dude who invented silly putty, that stuff is awsome!

My Blog

a new song

i don't quite know why i chose to write this song now perhaps it might not mean anything to me in a few months but you never know.     " WHERE THE AIR IS CRISP "   No need to say ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

oh what am i to do

ok it's summer again, ech! ok well for me anyways never liked summer. i mean everyone leaves it always happens they all go home and you always feel like if you had spent more time you could have been ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT

back to the book

k so yah i've been puting off my writing for a while now, i just got in a slump recently and wasn't to shure how to get backinto it. i think it's because i'm taking the aproach to the book by treating...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT