Dallin Larsen's September 2007 Update Click Here
Please, no matter what you feel about my daily emails, Monavie or my relentless effort to have you join our growing team, please watch this video. Please also forget about the income potential too. (I know that is hard to swallow for some)
You will watch a bonafide news report that talks about how CANCER is being fought off by the ACAI berry and particularly with MONAVIE. Do you know anyone that has or is suffering from cancer? This is NOT a joke anymore. Studies say that 1 in 3 will get a form of cancer. I know it is hard to imagine it could happen to us. But honestly, it may.
Please don't mistake my passion for persistence but shouldn't all of us be drinking this product for protection. Please don't take my word for it but take the medical research...Cancer is one of many problems that Monavie is helping people with. Leukemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, glucoma, chronic fatigue and arthritis are being helped too. Do you know anyone in this area too? If you are taking my email lightly that would be wrong. We really need to take care of ourselves.
Please forward this news report to everyone in your family!! What initially started as a network marketing company is rapidly turning into a healthly explosion. You can tell THOSE skeptics to take a long walk quite frankly!! They are not looking at what is really important. Remember, without health, does it really matter?
For the residual income side, we do not PAY $45 a bottle for juice. In fact we get paid every week to SHARE the future of health protection. C'mon everyone, we need to take a stand TOGETHER! I pray this message goes right to your heart!
I am happy to receive any call regarding the product, company or opportunity. I really hope my friends around the country within my email list call me and trust in what is being reported.
If you want to stay healthy, be there for your family for a long time and still bring in hundred's to many thousands of dollars residually per week, please take this seriously.
God Bless!
Sincerely, Hiram
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