To extinguish a fire, deflate a spark, is to kill a flower that should be blooming...Even within the ash of a tattered soul she blooms, and her blossoms smell sweet to her, though filled with smoke and dirt and the daily toil of the daily grind... the fire breaths inside of her...She dances with fire... she is a fire dancer.No man can extinguish it, or control it. It is fluid like water. It is a fire fed by water, an oxymoron existing in her space. It is real. It is fed by water.She is a water dancer...What visions water sees. A fire that is inextinguishable by water for they live together this fire and water union. Water child, fire child, fluid like water...fluid like flame...find a lesson in water...Water... Fire... It finds the empty spaces, and fills the voids. It travels with no effort, yet full of energy and power and cool moist serenity, or hot passion, as it picks up, or burns what it will along the way...Water child, driftwood baby...
learn a lesson from water...Let it shape and weather and wear you and do what it will, and it will float with the fire...Learn to lose some control... just a little bit at a time, and let the fire and the water... shapeless, fluid, and always moving... become a part of you...Learn a lesson in fire and water.
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