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About Me

hey there. so knive. is our clothing "company" and we design shirts. we basically make art to go onto t-shirts or other articles of clothing and you can buy them for not expensive. you can also give us a shirt and we'll put the design of your choice onto it for even more not expensive. oh yeah, i guess you might want to know that "we" are clara and erica. and our email is [email protected]. our website is, so visit us there to see more of our stuff, buy things, see some artwork, or get on our mailing list.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Just Kidding! Special stuff: To get on our Mailing list visit us at our website and click on "mailing list", or just send us a quick email. When you join our mailing list you get new design pictures and can send us emails BACK if you want to order them. You can also email us about a custom design with either a picture or desciption, and your size. Remember its: [email protected] Also remember our website (and it has more than our myspace):

My Blog

knive. returns.

hey. we're back!
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:59:00 GMT

one year with no knive.

well, the making of knive. clothing is coming to a pause in history. due to the members of this endeavor being out of the country and out of the presence of each other, the making and selling of knive...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 17:16:00 GMT