About me.... Photography Photography...check out my blog entries for my photographs... nothing more to tell at the moment.
Erst mal ein Video!
Two headed dogs - Just because(live), filmed by JohnnyJustice
to be continued...
About me.... Photography Photography...check out my blog entries for my photographs... nothing more to tell at the moment.
Erst mal ein Video!
Two headed dogs - Just because(live), filmed by JohnnyJustice
to be continued...
Like the work of James Nachtwey www.jamesnachtwey.com , magnum photos(Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, etc.), ragnar axxelsson, william 'bill' claxton (great fotos of jazz musicians) check out: www.williamclaxton.com
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In Detail:
The Damned, Iggy Pop (and the stooges), New York Dolls, UK Subs, The Clash, Ramones, MC5, Guitar Gangsters, Dead Kennedys, Stiff Little Fingers, Chelsea, Adicts, Motörhead, Johnny Thunders stuff, Guitar Wolf, The Hellacopters,....
Hellacopters are on 'heavy rotation'
Always looking for new stuff... if you have some recommendations, let me know!
+ + + + diverse deutsche bands
Guitar Wolf from Japan
The Clash, photographed by Bob Gruen
Gene October of Chelsea, 1999
The Big Lebowsky,Snatch,Bube Dame König Grass, Kops, In China essen sie Hunde, Old Boy, Audition, Orgazmo, Wild Zero, Kill Bill, Dead Man, clockwork orange, and stanley kubrick movies in general, sieben, adams aepfel, Jackie Brown, reservoir dogs
ARTE Short Cuts, ARTE Metropolis, Simpsons, Scrubs... who cares?
Kurt Tucholsky, Charles Bukowski, Ernest Hemingway, Wolfgang Borchert, Max Goldt, Patrick Süsskind...
Bud Spencer: Wer Hunger hat muss essen
Bud Spencer: Eins musst du dir merken: Es gibt immer einen im Leben der mehr drauf hat als du!
No more Heros anymore !