Anything that gets the adrenaline going. Skydiving, bungie jumping scuba diving you name it.
I'll Promise you the world, I'll give you the Moon and take only your breath away. - to Desiree, the woman that has my heart, body, and mind. I love you babe don't forget it.
Mostly Rock. But Raised with a little bit of Country
Meet Joe Black is my favorite. It makes you Think alot. And any action movie that makes you say "DAMN!"
Burn Notice, House. Anything but Reality T.V.
There is a twelve book series called left behind. Its my favorite one. It gets pretty deep into religion and tells the Evanglist side of things with end of times prophecy and stuff but its really a great series. That one and anything that Terry Goodkind writes I'll read too. I'm also a classic kinda guy billy Shakespear really gets the blood flowing in the head too.
My only Hero is my Father. He passed away a little over Three years ago and I miss him very much. He was the kinda guy that you could always depend on to get the job done and he had a sense of honesty that I could only hope to get one day.