What NBA guard are you? Dwayne Wade Your are my favortie player and a highflyer that will be one of the greats
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com What NBA basketball player are you? Allen Iverson, PHI You are very quick and dangerous, though you shoot too much sometimes. You are one of the most feared scorers in recent memory. You need to pass more if you want to succeed.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com The Basketball player Survey
Whats your Basketball Name? Boogie D!!
Most points scored in one game? 87 in the u12 against südwest first half 60 points:D
Most Ast in a game? 28
Most Rebounds? 11
Most Steals? 13
What college do you want to play for? irgendwann vielleicht
When did you first start playing the game? with 5years
Who would you like to play the most? Dwayne Wade,Allen Iverson
Where you rank at in your state? dont know
Where you rank in the Nation? dont know
Your current basketball team? BG 2000 BERLIN
Most used move? Crossover
Dunk or Layup? layup :(
Whats your basketball number and Y 5 cause i start playing with 5 years and my father played with the 5 too
Who put a basketball in your hands? my dad What schools you got looking at you?
Who do you hate to play?
Best place to play at? Zauritzweg and litzensee
Worst place to play at? Barbarastraße
Do you feed off the crowd or just play the game? i just play the game
Ever been dunked on? no way
Ever dunked on somebody? nope
What do you do b4 every game? watch a basketball game
Any special Shirt or Headband you wear while playing? nope
Why do you play the game? cause i love this game
Basketball or Pussy? both
Right Hand Shot or Left Hand Shot? right
Have you ever said I will die for this basketball shit? everytime CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!
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