My name is /Xaj me/.
Now on
My name is Jaime. I will leave for Peace Corps training on 31 August 2009 to Nicaragua. There, I will provide training to English Teachers to formulate relevant language-acquisition curricula for 27 months.
I graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a B.A. in English World Literature and an accompanying Minor in French and Francophone Studies. After my service in the Peace Corps, I hope enter Aarhus Universitet's Cognitive Semiotics Elite Graduate Program (also contemplating programs at the Universities of Helsinki or Vaasa), and soon afterward hope to obtain the Second-year Master Degree in International Cooperation, Humanitarian Action, and Politics of Development (CIAH-PD) at the Université Paris-1 (Sorbonne).
I hope to use my knowledge and experience in Education and International Relations & Development in the U.S. Foreign Service, non-profit organizations, or other national and international public service or humanitarian organizations.
Born in Mexico, immigrated as a child to the United States, I understand the importance of good relations between peoples and nations, as well as the respect of human life and the dignity of every person. Positive international relationships are key to cooperation and social, political, and economic stability around the world, not only between developed nations, but between all nations. It is my hope to be a part of these continuing efforts.
Palm Sunday Tornado Hits Crystal Lake from Asthmatic Kitty on Vimeo .