My Blog
If you dare
Reading the report I developed a shortness of breath. All the pain came flooding back. I wanted to see the scene photos, I wanted to get inside his head. Looking at the hand drawn diagrams I held my f...
Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 17:55:00 GMT
Down Before You Know It
As the curtain opens and the day begins, already it doesn't seem to promising. Mainly because of the constant vise grip on my head. Decided not to attend class. Nausea and stomach pain began to c...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:40:00 GMT
It's a whole other world on the freeway. Sometimes its survival of the fittest. I was cruising on the 5 South heading back onto the 14 and I was flying over the bridge. Yes we have gone from cruising ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 16:42:00 GMT
Wake up
How does this sound. Im snuggly snoozing in my nice warm bed with my kitty friend. Out of freaking nowhere I am jolted awake by "ARE YOU STUPID?!" by good ol mother. I tell ya thats not something you ...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 10:38:00 GMT
Painful Silence
Hot. Hot doesn't even begin to cover it. Frying an egg on my forhead...yeah, that will do. In a pick up truck driving through Baker. Temp around 111 degrees and no a/c. Well, no a/c by choice. Always ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 22:01:00 GMT
Life Sucks, But Living It Sucks Even More
The title says it all. You don't know what you have until its gone.
Posted by on Thu, 10 May 2007 19:06:00 GMT
Glue Tasting and gags
So, one night I was swamped in bill paying. Constantly licking running my taste bud friend along the glue to moisten for sealing. So, I decided to do something constructive with my lickings. Yes, oh y...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:30:00 GMT
A little Selasphorus Rufus
Bird facts are interesting.
*The rufus hummingbird makes a series of "chup" calls. Males can create wing calls. (Oh so spiffy!)
*The voice of the Common Grackle goes something like this: grideleeek, ...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 23:03:00 GMT
My 'Faint' exp.
So the weirdest thing happened to me the other day. I had to take my mom to the hospital. I was watching the nurse and I do say 'trying' to give my mom an IV. I was intently watching while my mom...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 00:05:00 GMT
Man v.s. Woman: Shower
This was sent to me. Thought you might enjoy.
Man vs. Woman: The shower
Take off clothing and place it in sectioned...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 00:05:00 GMT