You can check out my proper profile at, but Kirk from The Venkman Heist asked me to do this...
If you join one of the groups below you'll be able to find other people who enjoy going to gigs, and if you're stuck for transport or someone to go with, help you make arrangements and maybe even meet new friends! :) But please only join (or invite people to join) if you actually go to see UNSIGNED bands in these places. I've already met a few people from Doncaster, and plan on going over when any decent bands are playing!
If you're in a band can you please invite people to join if you know they go to gigs and add a blog about it on your page, in order to help build up the groups and hopefully make it easier (fingers crossed) for bands to find people that are interested in going to local gigs.
This might help it make a bit more sense...
Apparently, Kirk was browsing through Myspace trying to find some new people to add that might want to go to gigs and realised that the majority of people he looked at were either from America or somewhere else too far away. (Most of my 'friends' are!!)
So he thought, if only there was a place where bands could go to find people that were actually interested in going to gigs and not just on Myspace to chat and flirt. (At least I do all 3! ;) )
And that's when he came up with the idea for these groups.
However, these groups will only be successful if us 'gig goers' join and invite others who enjoy going to gigs, to join too.
The Doncaster group has already been tried and tested by The Venkman Heist with help from Axis Dynide, And hopefully the others will prove to be equally as successful!!