Red Velvet profile picture

Red Velvet


About Me

MyGen Profile Generator*NEWS*
**We are on an indefinite hiatus**
Please go to our individual pages to see what we are up to now!


Red Velvet is a female fronted, top-40 cover band from Harrisburg, PA. They pride themselves on their ability to cover the most popular songs of different genres and decades by both female and male vocalists. Whether it’s Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop, Metal, R&B, Funk/Disco, Punk, Hard Rock or Country, The Red Velvet Girls cover it all! Music quality and variety aren’t the only things that set this band apart. At times, they also feature sexy choreographed dances to entertain and engage the crowd! By bringing together powerful vocals, professional musicians and beautiful dancers, Red Velvet has created the most electrifying live performance that can be seen in Central Pennsylvania.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/29/2006
Band Members: HARLEQUIN


Influences: Janet Jackson, David Bowie, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Aretha Franklin, Donna Summer, Alanis Morrisette, En Vogue, Eryka Badu, Paula Abdul, Lenny Kravitz, Aerosmith, Michael Jackson, P!NK, Panic! At the Disco, Dashboard Confessional, Ray Charles, Whitney Houston, The Matches and Wayne Newton.
Sounds Like: Janet Jackson, En Vogue, Pussycat Dolls, Aerosmith, Joan Jett, Cheap Trick, Billy Idol, Def Lepoard, Gwen Stefani, Buckcherry, Nine Inch Nails...
Type of Label: None

My Blog


We want to let everyone know that Red Velvet will be going on an indefinite hiatus.  We've had so much fun performing over the past 2 years we hate to stop.  **Harlequin is moving on to purs...
Posted by Red Velvet on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 07:37:00 PST

4th of JULY!!!!!!

What's up Myspace Land!  I must say we thoroughly enjoyed 4th of July this year.  We played Tara's Station and as always good times were had by all!  Big thanks to Stewart and all the p...
Posted by Red Velvet on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 11:45:00 PST

Talent Search

Hey all you foxy ladies!  Red Velvet is currently looking for a female back up vocalist to add to the mix.  If you are interested send us a message so we can give ou some details.  You ...
Posted by Red Velvet on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 11:49:00 PST

6/13: Friday the 13th at Liquid 891!!

Well this weekend was another awesome weekend for the Red Velvet Girls!  We played a kick a$$ show at Liquid 891 on Friday night.  There were spankings given and booties shakin' all nigh...
Posted by Red Velvet on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 02:18:00 PST

Farewell Princess; May 3rd Ski Roundtop

I have bittersweet news to share with everyone: Our Princess is moving to Dallas, TX in a few days! She has so much going for her, we all know she is going to succeed BUT we are going to miss her like...
Posted by Red Velvet on Mon, 05 May 2008 03:22:00 PST

The Birthday Shibby

The Birthday Shibby Hello hello hello! What's up Red Velvet readers?! I must say that this past Friday night at Tara's Station was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I feel bad for those who missed it. We really rock...
Posted by Red Velvet on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:27:00 PST

3/28/08 Shakeys; 3/30/08 Liquid 891; 4/2 OSHRadio

Friday, March 28th, Shakey’s RVG rocked out at Shakey’s Friday, March 28th when we opened up for Rise Phoenix Rise! Now, I’m sure you’ve seen this band before& so I don’...
Posted by Red Velvet on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 04:25:00 PST

March 7th, Tara Station, Harrisburg; March 15th Bar 53, Coalport PA

Friday, March 7th we played Tara Station in downtown Harrisburg, PA.All I have to say is: If you haven’t been to Tara Station yet, you are seriously missing out! I shouldn’t play favorites...
Posted by Red Velvet on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:34:00 PST

Saturday, March 1st, Rumors in Enola

It was a packed house at Rumors on Saturday, March 1st& If you weren't there, you missed out! Our band, Sexual Chocolate, Blaze and I kicked off a few new covers including "Beat It" and "Groove is in ...
Posted by Red Velvet on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 03:35:00 PST

Friday February 1st, Gulliftys

Friday, Feb 1st, RVG was at Gullifty's. The crowd was so enerjetic at this show!! Perhaps the feather boas, corsets, masks and Mardi Gras theme helped everyone get in the mood to party. People we up a...
Posted by Red Velvet on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 02:23:00 PST