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About Me

I've had a lot of hard times in my life some quite challenging but I can always see the silver lining. I wouldn't say that I'm a total optimist as I am quite sarcastic with a nack for making a joke out of the worst situations. I do however own the ability to analyze things to see the deepest underlying meanings. I grew up a poor mixed child with a single white mother and two annoying siblings which I Love dearly. I never had a father figure until much later in life and never really grasped how men were supposed to treat women and vice versa. I've been burned by men because I didn't want to see the truth behind their eyes, and when I did see it I accepted it as a way of life. I can say that those days are over and that I know that soul mates do exist because I've found mine. I wish I could somehow broadcast a message to every one in the world that love is not selfish, If it's right you know. It took me a long time to get to that point even with the love of my life but I'm here now and it means more than I can express. I do sometimes reminisce about the past, of being young and wild, but I would not trade one second of today for a year of yesterday. Those days were some of the funnest yet hardest times of my life. My life these days is nothing special to anyone looking in from the outside but I have my family and a few people who stuck around through the worst of it to lean on for support. I know that I wasn't always the best friend I could have been but I was the best that I knew how to be at the time. I do have some regrets regarding that topic but optimistically I know that these thing work out over time. My biggest flaw is that I don't stay mad very long, I tend to keep my anger leashed and let it go too quickly. Not that I want to hold a ten year grudge but I don't want to be a door mat either. I just never want the last thing I say to someone who matters to be fueled by anger. We never know when we wake up if this is our last day. According to the Mayans we only have two years left, So if you spend your time reading other peoples life stories on Myspace maybe you should rethink your game plan and start the first day of the rest of your life. fantasy layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments